mrsschoondog Member


  • It's a great recipe! My friend often makes it with white cake/orange soda... Yummy!
  • Congatulations! What a great feeling to know and see that your hard work is paying off. Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Yummy! These sound delicious. One of my favorite cookies too. Thanks for sharing. :smile:
  • I agree with BrendaLee. You will always have temptations and your going to have to be strong and not give in. Best thing I can think of with boyfriend is to politely say no thank you to the junk food, be strong and not back down on your goals. He will eventually see that your serious and either stop offering it or bringing…
  • kamcat73, I'm with you! I too just woke up and weighed myself and ran straight to my computer to log it on MFP! Also logging my breakfast bofore I eat it keeps me from sneaking in other food!