

  • Hello! My name is Nekita and I'm a proud mother of two (a two year old girl and a 11 month old boy) I have a wonderful husband of four years. I've been a member for 2 months and I love, love this site! My goals is to get my sexy back into a size 5 jeans!! I love playing with my children, having romantic dates with my…
    in Welcome Comment by IAMNekita August 2012
  • I agree! I hate when parents say my child will not eat fruits or vegetables. I wonder why? There are no other options in the house but junk food!! It's about opportunities.
  • I'm not an expert but it sounds like that you are gaining muscles. And you know muscles weigh more than fat. You may be working out too much and your body is getting used to it. I know I was talking to one of the instructors at the gym that I go to and she said that if you do the same routine over and over again that you…
  • You got one here in Georgia!! Stay Strong!
  • Try not to weigh yourself every day! And add more cardio and weights twice a week. Do not give up on yourself and do not compare yourself to others. Remember it did not take you two weeks to put on the weight! You can do it!
  • :smile: Wow! You look great! Very encouraging!! Please keep us posted!!