SOS- please help!

So, let me lay it all out there! This is me being vulnerable.

I started my WLJ THREE years ago. I've definitely had some major stalls and bumps along the way, however I went from around 175 to where I am now. Over the past three months I've had a huge stall I haven't lost in 6-9 weeks and I'm just stalling. I am not happy with where I am, but wondering if my body is? I do everything right. I track EVERY BLT. I do eat around half of my activity calories back, if not all-- so I don't feel like I'm starving, I workout 6 times per week and I vary my workouts. But here I am and the scale is slowly creeping up and I am SO confused! I am so discouraged. And frankly, I'm pretty upset. I feel like all my hard work isn't showing.

Here's a menu:
Breakfast: egg white omelet with cheese and spinach OR low carb protein shake
Snack: Nuts/cherry tomatoes
Lunch: tilapia and a salad with olive oil, and veggies OR zucchini pasta sauteed in olive oil with tomatoes and cheese
Snack: fruit and veggies
Dinner: Chicken breast with big salad OR bean and cheese quesadilla OR Salmon patty with veggies
AP: I run three times per week, bike to work everyday, bike 2 times throughout the week and do Jillian Michael's three times per week for weight training.



  • georgie_lou
    georgie_lou Posts: 225 Member
    Do something completely out take up a dance class or try pole fitness!

    I have pole fitness classes lined up for when I a whole new muscle group and jump start the body again :happy:
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 182 Member
    You look great in your picture. You seem healthy and happy. I think your body likes its current state. I say stay with it. Don't kill yourself for a number on the scale. Make happy and active your new goal and mark it as MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Well done, lady!
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Hard to tell... you didn't mention your current weight or goal weight. How many calories are you eating? Are you following MFP's defaults, or have you set your own macros? Do you know your BF%? Do you measure using scales or guestimates? How do you track calories burned (basically, do you have a HRM)?

    Lots of questions. :)

    Edit: BTW OP, you look great in your profile pic, be proud of the progress you've made so far!
  • I'm not an expert but it sounds like that you are gaining muscles. And you know muscles weigh more than fat. You may be working out too much and your body is getting used to it. I know I was talking to one of the instructors at the gym that I go to and she said that if you do the same routine over and over again that you will not lose weight and that your body get's used to what you are doing. Keep staying strong and don't give up. Have you thought about getting a trainer? I have and I tell you what, they are worth the money. (A good trainer that is). They push you and do different exercise techniques that you may have never thought of. My training sessions are 30 minutes and let me tell you that is all I need!! I'm so tired because I'm doing muscle confusion. Don't stop just try different techniques to get different results! You look great!! :^) I hope this helps!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    The body does not like to let go of those last few fat cells for some reason. But if you want to continue you should maybe eat high calories for 2 days then low (not to low though) for two days. Mix it up confuse your body. I saved a site that helped you do it but I don't know how well it works and even if I can find it now. You just have to mix it up completley
  • MKP13
    MKP13 Posts: 2 Member
    I too plateued, mind you, I only ever had 15 lbs to lose. I've recently researched and started practicing what is called intermittent fasting combined with consuming the majority of my carbs in the evening. And the scale is moving again! It sounds somewhat counter intuitive, especially given everything we read and hear in the fitness industry, but it's working for me and I love it. The basic gist is to ideally fast for 12-14 hours. That is to say, if you have dinner at 8pm, don't eat again until 10 or so the following morning, but do have coffee with cream (if you like it that way). Continue as you have with the low carb lunch of salad and protein and as mentioned, eat clean carbs in the evening. If it works with your shedule, workout fasted. Do some research if I've piqued your curiosity and try it for yourself. The hardest part I found was wrapping my head around the idea of NOT eating breakfast, after a day or two and overcoming the initial morning hunger pang, I was amazed at how well I was functioning with no food! And the best part, the weight is coming off again, albeit it slowly, but I don't feel in the least bit deprived or that I'm "on a diet". Good luck!
  • megdtuttle
    megdtuttle Posts: 25 Member
    Current 134. Goal 125-127. I'm following the defaults. BF% is 25%. I measure using scales, and I use a HRM.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    It definitely sounds doable, but it may take a while. The last few are definitely slower for most people. Do you always eat at a deficit or do you do any refeed/spike/cheat type days where you eat either at maintenance or slightly above? It may be counter-intuitive, but that can actually help lose weight. Another thing to try when you're approaching goal could be carb cycling?
  • di2losew8
    di2losew8 Posts: 131 Member
    I saw something online once about varying your calorie amounts each day. A little more some days and less on others. It says it helps to break a plateau. It kind of tricks the body....I'm not 100% sure if it works but you can check it out and see. Another friend on MFP gave me a link to a calorie calculator and at the bottom of the page it has a link to click on for zig zaging calories. Read the info provided. It couldn't hurt to try and it seems to make sense. Here's the link:
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Thought I would add to words of encouragement. You look Great and your hard work will pay off. Hang in there, you will reach your goal. Sometimes the body needs to readjust. The last 6 tpo 9 weeks your body probably has been adjusting to the new slimmer you. Resetting the setpoint. The great thing about this is that once your body does this it does become harder to regain weight. Hang in there let your body readjust and you will start losing again.
  • singingsoprano
    singingsoprano Posts: 19 Member
    I think you're already tiny...I don't know how tall you are...but maybe your goal weight is below your normal? And if not, maybe you're just close to the goal, and need to not think about losing but just enjoying being healthier, stronger, faster, more active? What do I know, I'm at your start weight now.. :) But seriously, have some joy in what you've done. I do agree on the vary the calorie count, some days more, some days less...

    What about a personal trainer for a couple weeks, might take off the remainder, or reset your goal...?

    So, let me lay it all out there! This is me being vulnerable.

    I started my WLJ THREE years ago. I've definitely had some major stalls and bumps along the way, however I went from around 175 to where I am now. Over the past three months I've had a huge stall I haven't lost in 6-9 weeks and I'm just stalling. I am not happy with where I am, but wondering if my body is? I do everything right. I track EVERY BLT. I do eat around half of my activity calories back, if not all-- so I don't feel like I'm starving, I workout 6 times per week and I vary my workouts. But here I am and the scale is slowly creeping up and I am SO confused! I am so discouraged. And frankly, I'm pretty upset. I feel like all my hard work isn't showing.

    Here's a menu:
    Breakfast: egg white omelet with cheese and spinach OR low carb protein shake
    Snack: Nuts/cherry tomatoes
    Lunch: tilapia and a salad with olive oil, and veggies OR zucchini pasta sauteed in olive oil with tomatoes and cheese
    Snack: fruit and veggies
    Dinner: Chicken breast with big salad OR bean and cheese quesadilla OR Salmon patty with veggies
    AP: I run three times per week, bike to work everyday, bike 2 times throughout the week and do Jillian Michael's three times per week for weight training.

  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Maybe you might try eating at your TDEE for a while to reset things? Not seeing your diary, it's hard to say, but from the food you listed, it looks to me like you are eating at a very low calorie total for the day, especially if you are doing so much exercise and burning more. I would be starving if I ate what you did! Why not try eating more calories and getting some carbs in during the morning/lunchtime - something like fruit or steel-cut oats.

    Alternatively, your calories might be good (since I don't know portions on things like nuts that pack a lot), maybe you could try dropping something like the cheese for a while. I love melted cheese, but when I give up dairy, I seem to lose quicker.
  • You need to confuse your body. Sounds like you have been doing the same things, in regards to your workout. The human body adapts to changes, as does every other living organism throughout history. You need to give it different motions, or put more stress on it in the workouts that you do. When you run, maybe spring for an extra 5 minutes, or take on more hills when cycling (as I do). I have just started, but I know those are some options for when I do plateau. Good luck!
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Some people think they're tracking calories correctly but inaccuracies are creeping in via volume measures such as cups. Do you have digital food scales?