FireMonkey Member


  • Here's what works for me: enter everything I eat or drink in the food diary, and enter every exercise I do in the exercise diary. Once you start doing that, you can see where the problem areas are. For example I have a terrible sweet tooth, but when I add every sweet I eat and see how much there is, I can see where I have…
  • Same age, similar issues. I was told by a trainer that every body has a set point it wants to stay at. This point changes, i.e. when we gain weight, that becomes the new set point. To overcome that we have to trick it. If you walk for exercise, is there a different exercise you could try? Maybe swimming? Or cycling? Or,…
    in Plateau? Comment by FireMonkey July 2022
  • They've got a website too: I agree many of their recipes look very good, but some look like they came out of a junior chemistry kit. Sometimes it may be better to learn to love new foods instead of substituting your favourites with "edible byproducts". :wink:
  • Go to your local garden centre - they know what grows best in your area and they have the seeds and plants that will do well under your conditions. Spinach and peas prefer cooler weather; you could probably still grow them but would have to watch the timing. Same with broccoli; it tends to bolt (flower) when it gets hot.…
  • Oh dear, if I had to live on 1,200 calories a day I'd be going crazy :explode: The only day I managed to do that was after dental surgery! :laugh: But this plan gives me the motivation to haul my lazy self out to the dojo or gym, or to take the dog for really long walks (the kind that leave him limping and wheezing but…
  • The best thing is to grow what you like to eat. Sugar snap peas, cherry tomatoes, lettuce are a must in my garden. So is garlic, but I planted that in fall for harvesting in June/July. Potatoes are pretty easy if you have a bit of sandy soil. Lat year I planted a store bought yam that was sprouting and ended up with…
  • You need to go back to your doctor. You can always ask for a specialist referral or a second opinion from another doctor. There are lots of things that can happen to your knee and self-diagnosing after talking to a few people is not the smartest thing to do. A friend of mine recently self-diagnosed her knee pain and went…
  • Weight and parenting are two very sensitive issues. Hopefully you have planted the seed in this mom's brain - it may take some time to germinate. :flowerforyou:
  • Here's a good article that explains the glycogen storage and release mechanism and how it relates to water weight: For many people, up to 5 pounds lost in the first week could be water because of the release of stored glycogen. That's how these "lose 10 pounds…
  • I find it hard to measure myself. When I had a fitness assessment at my gym I was pleasantly surprised when the trainer measured me as I had not noticed any big losses in inches but they were there alright. One good clue is how your clothes fit.
  • For a quick fix, one hard boiled egg has about 80 calories. But you might have to gradually reduce your calories if you're finding it hard. It's better to be over your calorie allowance for a week or two as you're working toward your goal calories than to be starving and feeling deprived. That can make it really hard to…
  • Well it is a narcotic; constipation is a common side effect. I usually tell patients to drink a lot of water, make sure they get plenty of fiber, exercise if they can (walking is good), and if that doesn't help they can try a mild laxative, like a softener. Your doctor or pharmacist can advise you what's best for you. Good…
  • [/quote] I love to smell tomatoe plants but I think you need to grow them indoors? [/quote] They can go outside by the end of May - Victoria Day long weekend is usually the day I put my hot weather plants out. I take the easy way and buy bedding plants. :happy: Choose tomatoes with a shorter growing time and you'll have…
  • Ryvita or Wasa are both good. But there are different kinds and some have more fiber than others - read the label! :drinker:
  • What do you and your family like to eat? Sugar snap peas are nice and easy, so are lettuce or beans. Carrots and beets can be more difficult but radishes are not so bad as they grow fast. Potatoes - they like sandy soil but are otherwise easy. Rhubarb loves cold weather - my plant is already over a foot high; started…
  • No, it's not a myth, but it's not as simplistic as that either. My nephew was a Type 1 brittle diabetic, meaning his blood sugar was hard to control. When his blood sugar went really low, usually early in the morning, he would eat some fast acting carbs to get his blood sugar back up. However this also triggers an insulin…
  • A spoonful of butter? :sick: Good luck for your competition - hope it will be worth all the suffering :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you, but I'm used to blank stares when I say or do something geeky. I'm an RN but have been working with nursing informatics for the past 5 years - it's starting to rub off. Sometimes I even understand what the techies are saying - scary :huh:
  • It takes about twenty minutes for your brain to realize that you've eaten enough. Some things that help: drink water! Eat more leafy vegetables; eat more fiber; eat more lean protein; don't overindulge in fat but do eat the recommended amounts of healthier fats. And like mom probably told every one of us, slow down when…
  • Hmm - I must be the only geek around here. Oh well. :blushing:
  • When I first came off the couch I could barely make it through the warm-up :blushing: - that got better in a hurry, but I've never worked out to the point that I had no energy left for the rest of the day. Does your trainer think this is normal?
  • I've never had them, but I do eat some other "100 calorie snacks". I guess they're ok for dealing with cravings, but in the long run I hope my taste buds will change and start to enjoy broccoli. :noway: Any highly processed foods can't be too good for you.
  • Eat one piece; the rest you can give to friends or relatives at your birthday party to take home, you can take it to work, or you can cut it into portion sizes and freeze it if it's a cake that freezes well. Enjoy your birthday (and cake!) :flowerforyou:
  • I wouldn't worry about sugar in fruit. I was tracking my sugar intake to find out how many foods have hidden sugar, but after a while I noticed the same thing: most of my sugar comes from fruit and I'm "over" after my morning snack. I stopped tracking sugar and now I'm tracking fiber instead - where it's good to be "over"…
    in sugar Comment by FireMonkey March 2010
  • When I joined my gym I had a fitness assessment that included body fat measurement. It's best to have it done by another person who knows how to do it. On my own I'm having trouble even getting my waist and hip measures right - sometimes I seem to be gaining inches although my clothes are getting more and more loose :huh: .
  • Starving people still lose weight. Nobody who dies from starvation is fat. But when they're done with the show and start eating and living normally again they may have all sorts of trouble with weight gain and other health problems - the men in the Minnesota experiment were put on a several months long re-feeding regimen.…
  • I think "eating habits" is the key here. It appears the study didn't look at what the women were eating and took their word for it being a "normal" diet. Exercise is good for many reasons such as heart health, muscle tone, stronger bones, keeping mentally fit etc, but on its own it won't keep you healthy. One of my friends…
  • Congratulations!! :happy:
  • Everybody is different - there are lots of things to consider like how big is the tear, where is it located, what type of surgery is your doctor wanting to do? Your doctor is your best resource since he knows you and he has seen the MRI results but if you're really doubtful you need to go back to talk to your doctor or ask…
  • Just a couple of points: your calories on mfp are already calculated below your maintenance rate. If your goal is to lose 1 pound per week then the mfp calories are 500 less than maintenance per day; 3,500 per week, which adds up to 1 pound. You don't need to go and burn extra calories through exercise. If you exercise,…