Kadi82 Member


  • Me! I'm vegetarian and workout 5-6 days/week. I struggle with scale numbers but love being strong. Plus running long distance (not currently but usually do 1 ultra a year) I believe carbs are important or I wouldn't make it to the finish!
  • Hi! I've been vegetarian for a couple of years. I think eventually I'll convert to vegan but my fam are onmi so easier at the moment to be vege. I run, kickbox and do CrossFit for fitness.
  • I've started low carb officially today... I have been slowly getting to this point for about 2mths now. I'm hoping I can keep myself on track with it, I'm a sucker for chocolates!
  • Height: 5'2 Start: 134lb (60.8kg) in July LW: 103 (47kg) - pre-kids!! GW: 114 (52kg) Aug goal 125.66 (57kg) 30/7 131.6 (59.7kg) 6/8 130.3 (59.1kg) 13/8 130.0 (59.0kg) I am going for a run this morning and then volunteering at the drink station for the coastal 65km. At least it looks like a nice day that I won't freeze near…
  • Height: 5'2 Start: 134lb (60.8kg) in July LW: 103 (47kg) - pre-kids!! GW: 114 (52kg) Aug goal 125.66 (57kg) 30/7 131.6 (59.7kg) 6/8 130.3 (59.1kg)
  • Height: 5'2 CW: 134lb (60.8kg) LW: 103 (47kg) - pre-kids!! GW: 114 (52kg) July goal 132.27 (60kg) 22/7 134 30/7 131.6 (59.7kg) Made my July goal :smiley: I'm going to do a short 5km today to see if my calf twinges. If all good I'll increase runs and length. I need to get a 30km early Sept in time for my ultra at the end of…
  • Ok I'll join in for the last bit of the month as I'm failing :( Height: 5'2 CW: 134lb (60.8kg) LW: 103 (47kg) - pre-kids!! GW: 114 (52kg) July goal 132.27 (60kg) Feel free to add me so I can keep accountability. I've put on 8.8lb/4kg in the last 3mths
  • I posted this in the group page as well. But it seems not everyone is in that group yet. It's bright and early here. I've got a 11.5km trail race (thankfully its cooled down from the 41c/106f). I'm on holidays from work at the moment so hopefully there's a change to the scales next week. Challenge Start Weight 1/1/17: 59kg…
  • I'm going to cut down on refined sugar - eg not in coffee or teas etc. Also wean out red meat. It's hard as my little fam are all carnivores esp hubby. I've apparently got haemachromatosis so I don't need that extra iron (too bad I love my leafy greens!) Tonight we're Nittany to game moroccan beef with green beans and cous…
  • Challenge Start Weight 1/1/17: 59kg (130.07lb) 01/08 - 01/15 - 01/22 - 01/29 - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .January Loss: . . . . n/a 02/05 - 02/12 - 02/19 - 02/26 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .February Loss: . . . . .n/a 03/05 - 03/12 - 03/19 - 03/26 - 03/31 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March Loss: . . . . . . n/a…
  • I'd be interested. I would miss 1 week in there as I'll be overseas for 10days but other than that I need to be more a accountable
  • I wouldn't mind trying it. I was going to read up on the Michael Moseley article about it
  • Better socks? I changed to wool socks and my dodgy toe hasn't had a blister since. I have 1 toe that gets blisters easily
    in Blister Comment by Kadi82 November 2016
  • I'm also doing stronglifts too. I also do kickboxing as the girl who runs it is big on body weight strength. So planks, push ups etc while waiting for your turn on n the bag. I've noticed between the 2 my body slightly changing. It's only been 2mths kickboxing and a month on stronglifts
  • I did for my 1st ultra as I used it to motivate myself to the finish but generally no I don't. I tend to go with what i train in
  • I've pencilled in my 2017 ultra wish list. May - Hubert 50km June - Cleland 50km July - 6hr event (flat so made 45km this year and was sick so hoping for 50km) Sept - Yurrebilla 56km (definite yes!) Oct - Heysen 57km All are trail except 6hr which is a dirt/concrete path which is a loop. There's a few smaller trail races…
  • I run when I can. For my last ultra I didn't train anywhere near as much as I wanted but I got a bigger run in and 1 smaller one if I could per week. I also did cross training at home to keep fitness up. For me it was all mental, I stuck to my race plan which was pretty laid back. Don't stop too long at checkpoints and…
  • I've only just seen this. I did my 1st Mara distance in July and completed my 1st ultra in Sept. I'd been training for the ultra all year. Now I've got a few more planned for next year but have gone back to doing 20km runs rather than 30- 40 km training runs. I much prefer the trails to road so most of my races apart from…
  • I did a 6hr endurance but as a team (so 3hrs). It poured with rain and I'm glad I took several changes of clothes as after every hour out there I had to change into fresh clothes. It was super muddy (it was a trail) overall ended up with 24.9km, my training plan was for 20km so happy with that.
  • I lost my code for mine so I'll start again.
  • I have a Nathan water belt. It has a carry pocket and 2 bottles. I love it
  • Oh I run too. I've got a summer trail series starting in 2wks. Those weeks I'll only do weights at the beginning of the week so I'm fresh come the Sunday. I think with training four half maras you'll need to go on your body and make sure you're fuelled enough from what my trainer has said. I'm yet to compete in a road…
  • I started Monday after doing a trail run. Legs hurt for 2 days. Did b yesterday and managed a 10km road run today so that seemed a little better. I've done weights on and off for years but after my running injury in July I've decided to build more s
    in Stage 1 Comment by Kadi82 November 2015
  • How did you go? I only just joined in here today. I'm training for the shorter courses (8-14km) summer series here. Its one race a month over Dec-March. Even though technically March isn't summer lol
  • I am on goodreads. If I'm not on here I'm on there. But this year I have been a bit slack with reading. Exercise, work and study have taken up some of my reading time. I'm currently reading The Ghost Bridges by John Scalzi and listening to Fragile by Lisa Unger in the car.
  • My kind of people! There is a group for MFP bookworms. I haven't read all the post so someone might have mentioned it already. I'm also doing zombies run love it.
  • https://connect.garmin.com/modern/profile/kadi82
  • Running outdoors and reading. I listened to my audio book in the car from work while driving to the racecourse. I then went for a run in the rain. Its not cold here, still 25C and the rain was a welcome relief. I'm dreading the heat coming soon with summer!
  • This weekend I don't think I'll get much done other than walking. Saturday is my daughter's dancing and then a baby shower. Sunday is brunch and then out to a car show. I actually find weekends hard for exercise. I'm either working or ferrying around the kids