August Accountability and Weigh-In



  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    @RMC1995 what about frittatas or omelette? Stir frys?
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    @mrssunshine78 I love the fritattas idea and the stir fry! We have a massive wok we can use and that seems like a surefire way to pack in a bunch of servings of vegetables!
  • RMC1995
    RMC1995 Posts: 67 Member
    @2tall4thisworld congratulations on your new job!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    edited August 2017
    I ended up being very bad on Friday. Not in terms of pizza, it was my usual homemade to fit in with calories: very thin (but real) crust, proper cheese but not too much, etc. My downfall was the cider I drank, which then caused the munchies so I walked down to the supermarket to buy biscuits and chocolate :(

    First run in ages today. Been wearing a heel support which has helped immensely! I ran 3k and intended to walk the remaining 1.3k, but after walking 0.5k I decided that running was more comfortable. Strange but I'll take it!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    edited August 2017
    Is there an app glitch? I just lost more than half of my post. Have edited above post.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    edited August 2017
    Oh what is calorie happy pizza @rianneonamission ? Has anyone tried the cauliflower crust? I love the cauliflower rice but use it like just that...rice, not sure how it would work as a crust.

    I stick to real crust. Thin and crispy. I normally end up with a roughly 10" pizza all to myself, and it comes in under 700 cals.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited August 2017
    Well no one had look at me then :lol: I don't know what happened this weekend, I just...let it all go. TBH, I logged in in the 139s a few times last week and I'm back in training tomorrow (hells yeah, 6 weeks of purgatory done!) so I figured I could splurge a little. My total post surgery loss is at 7lbs now and it's going to take me a little while to get back up to eating for training so it could end up increasing still.

    So yes. I had Chinese food yesterday after being so busy and missing lunch :disappointed:. I got hoisin duck pancakes, quarter size, mini veggie spring rolls 6 or 8? Not sure, and a couple of spoons of beef chow mein. I left about 1/3 of the duck because I don't like the really dry bits and use a fork to drizzle the hoisin. I then went with my family to a designer shopping outlet today and we went to Pizza Express for lunch and I had half of a brushetta, scrapping off most of the pesto (I cry) and a Pollo Forza romana which tops up at 1,168 cals but I only ate half and brought half home with me for lunch tomorrow and on the way home I got a KFC ricebox (spicy rice, a piece of boneless chicken breast and salad for 500cals) and some [large] fries which I didn't finish.

    I haven't had such a free eating weekend since...Christmas time maybe? Not even the least bit worried about the 97cal shot of vanilla syrup I added to my large soya latte. :lol: The way I see it, I ate what filled me up and left the rest. I came home and I meal prepped a chicken breast joint for Monday/Tuesdays dinners and I'm taking some to my mum, I also cooked up some BBQ glazed chicken kebab sticks for snacks to keep my protein high. I also know what I'm eating through to Friday at least. You can have weekends like this and have it be okay. You just have to be smart about it.

    Also can we all just commiserate about how the All Saints outlet had the most beautiful black leather jacket for £150 instead of £316 but the arms were too short. :cry:
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Height: 5'2
    Start: 134lb (60.8kg) in July
    LW: 103 (47kg) - pre-kids!!
    GW: 114 (52kg)
    Aug goal 125.66 (57kg)

    30/7 131.6 (59.7kg)
    6/8 130.3 (59.1kg)

  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Also can we all just commiserate about how the All Saints outlet had the most beautiful black leather jacket for £150 instead of £316 but the arms were too short. :cry:

    As a fellow tall girl I feel your pain. Commiserations.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Height: 5"3
    Heaviest weight: 154lbs
    Current weight: 134.7lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs
    July SW: 134.7lbs
    August SW: 133.3lbs
    August GW: 131lbs

    Aug 6:133.5lbs
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:

    This week has been so up and down. Lowest weight 132, highest 136.5! When my weight is going crazy like this it usually means I am due a whoosh. Lets hope so.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    Height - 5' 3"
    SW - 127 (Feb 2017)
    GW - 110
    August SW - 119
    August GW - 115

    Aug 7: 116.6
    Aug 14:
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:

    I had a "woosh" of weight this week, even though it's my TOM which usually meaning gaining!! I am now at my lowest adult weight since starting college :smile:
  • wrinkadoodle4
    wrinkadoodle4 Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello Everyone,

    I am new to the group. I have gained 30 lbs during the past 2 1/2 years and wanting to lose with exercise and better food choices. I'm exciting to share our journeys and feedback from everyone. My food choices and exercising have been inconsistent and up and down. I'm willing to try some exercise and or food choice challenges.

    height 5'8"

    cw 190 lbs

    8/7 188lb

    goal weight 160 lbs

    my August weight goal is 183 lbs??
  • joallana
    joallana Posts: 33 Member
    Welp, blew it out this weekend again (went to a brewery, had 3 delicious beers and a pizza, totally worth it) but it is probably fine, since I'm still on track to hit my calorie goal this week. Also managed to do the 30 Day Shred twice, along with some super slow running and strength training to mix it up. BUT, I gained half a pound, which is super frustrating. :(

    August SW: 140.0
    August 7: 140.6

    Fingers crossed it's just water weight, but I've been watching it creep up all week, which has not been fun.
  • arielxo
    arielxo Posts: 9 Member
    A lil late to the party but hoping I can still join you guys. Been on and off MFP for a couple years now with huge fluctuations in weight, trying to get back to being as fit as I used to be :)

    Height - 5'3"
    CW - 57.8 kg/ 127.4 lbs
    GW - 52kg / 115lbs

    August SW - 59 kg / 130 lbs
    August GW - 56.7 kg/ 125 lbs

    (Just found out about the MFP community after all these years, feel free to add me as a friend!)
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    edited August 2017
    Height 5'10"

    HW- 183.1 lbs
    SW June- 180 lbs
    SW July-177.9 lbs

    August 4th- 174.2lbs
    August 7th- 174.2lbs
    August 11th-
    August 14th-
    August 18th-
    August 21st-
    August 25th-
    August 28th-

    August Goal: 168.5 lbs!

    Like many of you, i too had quite the free eating weekend! LOL I'm just happy I was able to maintain. I had a great weekend with friends, and we went to see a play and it was the most fun to be reunited (and eat incredible pizza). I guess it all balanced out because I did have a 3 hour climbing session this weekend as well. Welp! Back to work, back to the grind, annnnnd back to the fitness center on my lunch! Wish me luck!! :)

    @RMC1995 Thank you !!!
    @rianneonamission I can't wait to try your recipe. Sounds AH-MAZING.
    @wrinkadoodle4 welcome to the group! You got this!
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 113.4
    August Goal weight: 113-118-I have a trip this month for two weeks so I am hoping that with my buffer I can be within my maintenance range again by the end of the month

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- average of 115 as I had a crazy 4th of July trip
    Start of august-115
    Aug 1-113.4
    Aug 8-110.2/ 111.6 by trend
    Aug 14-
    Aug 21-
    Aug 28-
    Struggles: pretty good week but did not run all weekend so I am pushing myself today to get back on horse
    Successes: weight came off before my trip and I am glad to have the buffer before the vacay. Good conscious eating.
    Upcoming week plan: I leave tomorrow for two weeks. Plan is eat as well as I can, excersize as often as possible, and relax and enjoy it.

    Hugs to everyone who is hurt or sick. I send you positive vibes for a speedy recovery.
  • Ali_p7
    Ali_p7 Posts: 14 Member
    I ate & drank a bit too much over the weekend. But I worked out both days, including an 8 mile run on Saturday! It was my furthest distance. Sticking with my fitness isn't usually an issue for me, I like to be active. It's the nutrition part that gets me. Every time!

    Height 5'6"
    SW on 7/31: 173
    8/4: 168.5
    GW: 150
    August Goal: 165
  • WallyAmadeus
    WallyAmadeus Posts: 119 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Height: 5 ft 8 inches

    Starting weight for this month: 147.6
    Today's weight: 147
    August goal: 145
    Ultimate goal: 125 to 130.

    DH and DS are doing their annual boys' road trip and that has given me the leisure to focus and reset my eating. This year I fell into the habit of eating one to 3 protein bars a day, and even if they were Quest bars (which are low sugar, high fiber), that is 200 to 600 extra calories a day in a form which I don't find very filling.

    For the last couple of weeks, I've focused on snacking on vegetables. It has helped a lot that when I get the munchies there is nothing in the house now which tempts me.

    Work outs were not what I planned. It has been incredibly humid here, and draining. I did do 98,000 steps last week, but only two gym sessions. The weather is becoming cooler and today did my step quota and did a gym routine comprised of 25 minutes of HIT on the elliptical, 25 minutes of free weights, and 15 minutes of stretches/abs.

    Have a great week all.
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2017
    Was starving yesterday! I mean I could not get full. Not sure if it was from the leg day workout at boot camp or what. Did pretty well all day but then finished the night off with a cup full of cinnamon life cereal and a few m&m's. Hoping today will be better. Both my daughter's were born in August so birthday month is in full swing. On my way to pick up the cake now and pizza will be here later for the sleepover....lord help me!

    @WallyAmadeus where do you live?
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Aug. 8

    Height: 5' 1.75"
    Heaviest weight: 116 lbs
    Current weight: 113.6 lbs
    Body fat percentage: 30%
    Goal weight: Less
    Body fat percentage: less.

    I don't want to be specific because despite the popular view that goals motivate, sometimes they sabotage me.

    Aug. 15

    Aug. 22
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    edited August 2017
    Highest Weight: 220lbs.
    Start Weight: 212lbs
    Current weight: 140.2lbs.
    August Goal: Mini bulk to try and get back up to 142 at least.
    Ultimate Goal: 145lbs

    Last July weight: 141.8lbs.
    August 1st: 140.6lbs.
    August 8th: 140.2lbs.

    I ate out 4 times the past week, had alcohol which I never do (mild allergy), three of those dinners being over this weekend and one of those was KFC -- if I eat out I try to have it be at least of some quality but sometimes you just have to go with it :lol:. I just feel like the goal posts have shifted on me. What I thought was my maintenance is clearly not maintenance. Maybe having your crummy appendix removed makes your body a super efficient ninja.

    That being said, I went to my first training session last night and I was surprised at how much cardiac fitness I had retained. I didn't need to pause at all. My flexibility was fine, I'd have been surprised if it wasn't but my stability was pretty on par despite my terrible attempts to hold a chamber in my kitchen. I did get a bit of aching behind one of my incisions (left side) a few hours after I got home and today, but it's from rotating back and forth, so normal. I definitely won't be doing two sessions a night for a few weeks though.

    @Ali_p7 Wowza, congrats on your 8 mile run! Maybe you should aim for running a half marathon one day.

    I hope everyone is back on the grind after our weekend shenanigans. It can be helpful to let your hair down but not to the detriment of your goals so back to it! Chop chop! :wink: You guys are all doing so awesome. :heart:
  • curlygirlusn
    curlygirlusn Posts: 61 Member
    One week down... 1 lb lost. I didn't work out over the weekend---I had a couple extra snacks Sunday BUT nothing completely diet busting (I still stayed under 1500 calories).
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    xandra47 wrote: »
    Hi, new to the group! Working on loosing the last 6.5 pounds. I eat around 1350 cals a day, do resistance strength training 3 days and cardio 6 days a week.

    Height: 5 foot nothing
    HW: 180 lbs when I was 17-18
    SW: 138 Beginning of May
    CW: 121.2
    GW: 115
    August goal: 117

    8/8 weigh in: 121.2 (I was down to 120.2 but it's shark week :/)
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    edited August 2017
    I knew this would be a bad one. 0.4lbs up. Went out for dinner last night and slightly over my calories. My guess is that the food was pretty sodium heavy, and I had already had a sodium overload at the weekend. Never mind, it'll come off.

    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 183lbs
    SW August: 168lbs (last July weigh in)
    Ultimate goal: Currently 160lbs but will revise when I get there.
    August goal: 163lbs
    Body fat goal for August: Sub 26.5%

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
    28th June: 170.6lbs - Body fat 27.6%
    5th July: 168.6lbs - Body fat 27.2%
    12th July: 167.6lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    19th July: 168.2lbs - Body fat 27.1%
    26th July: 168lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    2nd Aug: 166.8lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    9th Aug: 167.2lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    16th Aug:
    23rd Aug:
    31st Aug:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Between posting the above and dashing off to work I quickly measured myself:

    Belly (2-3" under belly button - my 'problem' area), under bust and waist have all lost 1cm each. Bust lost 2.5cm. It's been a month since I last measured so am pleased to see some progress. Clothes definitely fit better. So it's not all bad.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Don't lose hope, @rianneonamission. There's still 3 weeks of August left. You might be retaining a bit of water if you ate later than you normally would too so I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet.

    Come on, guys, we've got this. I feel like some of us got a bit sidetracked this week, which can happen, but from now I say we refocus and recommit. We are the bosses. :naughty:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I know, I know! Got a mini break starting tomorrow, but I can't imagine I will be too bad except for the scones (Devon) and the hog roast (wedding breakfast). No babies have been harmed so far :p
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamisson Let's hope because if you throw them out now, they might drown! The weather is tragic. D:

    Oooh I love a scone, but they have to be really good moist ones or I can't eat them as I don't like jam, cream or butter. Plus hog roast should be delicious. I always err on the side of having more vegetables than anything else and it usually turns out fine. I had a really nice chicken breast joint from Lidl that had this really tasty pork, sage and stuffing in at the beginning of the week. It's no hog roast but I wouldn't kick it out of bed. :tongue: Have a lovely time though. You're always really smart about these things and work hard to pick up the slack when you get back so I think it's all negligible anyway. :heart: