

  • this is awesome. i stand corrected. i love this guy.
  • I am really glad that I clicked on this message thread and read all these messages. It was worth it, thanks GasMaster. No really, thank you. raj
  • i am a postgrad. my future career might be as university staff. we are all hideous hideous creatures. we look like hobbits and stuff. Well maybe not, but this is how i see myself when i stand next to the delicious undergrads. I just want to eat them - they are all so fresh-faced. but if i eat them, i might get herpes and…
  • I am a crazy girl. And I like to be told a nice spin of the truth. I would so hate to get lied to. Like, if someone told me that they were gay but weren't and I found out, I would be a bit sad. But I am super honest and truthful and I like that in other people and I can handle it. I handle truth much better than lies.