
  • I found it really useful and it's got me approaching food in a completely different way. If i did find myself slipping back in to old habits then i would definitely go back!
  • Thats quite useful to hear. Did you just have the one session or 2? I have an appointment booked and was feeling quite positive about it but mu boyfirend thinks its a waste of time. I'm prepared to give it a go. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work and i haven't lost anything!
    in Hypnotherapy Comment by AbsEN July 2012
  • My chiropractor advised me to do the pilates as one of the main problems with my back is that the muscles are so tight i can not get full movement. I am definitely feeling it today as my stomach and chest muscles are really aching. As the saying goes.... no pain, no gain! I've booked to do the class next week and have…
  • I did my first pilates class today and i loved it! i was quite surprised at how sweaty i got and i could definitely feel the burn! I will definitely be returning next week!
  • Me and my boyfriend have both put on around 14lbs since we met just over a year ago. We now live together and we have both agreed we need to shift the weight we have put on so we plan healthy meals for the week. It all goes well until my boyfriend goes to do the food shop and he has no will power at all and comes home with…
  • I've never heard of it! Going to have a little look and if i like it may be adding a few of you!
    in Endomondo Comment by AbsEN July 2012
  • I'm really thinking about giving it a go. I think one of my biggest problems is i need to tone my wobbly bits so if it can all help with helping rediscover my lost muscles and get them working again then i'm all for it! I know its not a massive calorie burnier like aerobics or something but i figure its better than doing…
  • Thanks all! I've just remembered i have a yoga dvd at home which i may give a go as this will also help with my back. Its just so frustrating that i did so well to begin with and then nothing. I have scales at home and in every treatment room at work so its really hard to resist the urge to get on them! I have started…
  • My calorie target is 1200. i am a nurse and work shifts. I can't leave my workplace to got to the gym and have had back problems which i am currently seeing a chiropractor for so need to be careful with exercising. I think next week i am going to try and do some swimming which shouldn't be too much of a strain on my back.