Yoga/pilates - anyone found them any good?



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The big focus on breath in yoga is said to actually build your metabolism. It also helps you get through the tough poses, so I'm all for it. And when you build muscle, it does take more calories to maintain than the same weight in fat would, so I can see how it can be beneficial.

    I don't do yoga often enough to speak for myself, but there is a Yoga instructor in my neighborhood (pretty full-time, she owns her own studio) and she has always been very small and lean. Kind of a good sign for me :laugh:
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I love pilates. I wouldn't say it has been helpful in weight loss, but I always feel so great after a pilates class. I come out feeling taller (I'm only 5'2") and stronger. I also like the soreness in my abs for a couple days afterwards. Let's me know it's working!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I love my Pilates class! I always get sweaty and I feel it the next day. It's good for strength training....not great cardio (compared to running or the elliptical).
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I love yoga and Pilates both. Pilates in particular works smaller stabilizing muscles throughout your body and both really help to tone everything up. On top of the Yoga keeps me flexible, and in my right mind. The meditation benefit is so relaxing
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I love yoga!! A lot of the poses are quite challenging! It's true is not a big calorie burner but weight loss is 80% diet 20% exercise. Stay true to your calorie goal and you will lose!
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Cannot really answer your question about weight loss. However, I did my first Yoga today using a DVD I ordered from Amazon. I herniated a disc 3 in my back 3 weeks ago & I read a lot of articles that Yoga was good for helping that & strengthening your core.

    I am doing ViniYoga for Low Back, Sacram & Hips. I only did the low back portion today & It was actually pretty painful during but I have felt much better today than other days. I plan to start the hip part maybe next week as I also have a bad hip.

    I don't feel like I burned many calories but that wasn't my goal.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    I have never gotten any personal benefit from Yoga because I'm already quite flexible.

    For strengthening and toning, Pilates all the way (in my opinion).

    I just got the Marie Windsor Pilates Mat and express exercises and I do them at home. I tell you what, my butt, thighs and core were sore days afterward. And the effects are pretty quick.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Something I love that is a combo of pilates/dance is Pure Barre. If there is not a studio near you, you can order DVDs.. results in 10 classes :) I love it
  • kristybenner
    kristybenner Posts: 29 Member
    pilates is amazing!!!!!!!!!!

    I have had lower back issues my whole life and i was afraid to try it. start slow. you will be amazed how your body will change. and i actually break a sweat and dont feel totally drained after a workout. i can now do 45 mins after a few months at home doing it on demand. my fav is tonya nettles. she is amazing. motivating but not rude or intimidating.

    my docotr told me that pilates and swimming are the best to help your back and he was right. i havent had issues in several weeks!

    i did it twice a week and walked the other days. i found i liked it more thank walking or biking. truley love it.

    good luck!!!
  • AbsEN
    AbsEN Posts: 14
    My chiropractor advised me to do the pilates as one of the main problems with my back is that the muscles are so tight i can not get full movement.

    I am definitely feeling it today as my stomach and chest muscles are really aching. As the saying goes.... no pain, no gain!

    I've booked to do the class next week and have bought a couple of DVDs so i can do some at home when i have the odd 10 minutes.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    My gym offers pitaiyo (one of the creators/founders works at my gym) - this is a blend of pilates/tai chi/yoga/qi gong breathing. It's amazing. I try to go once a week when I can. It really helps to have a well rounded routine, and I think mind/body classes/programs are a huge part of that.
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    Years ago, I lost ~20 lbs doing mostly yoga. Vinyasa flow (aka power yoga) is a very nice cardio workout.