Joyounette Member


  • Hello! I've been there. I've gained a lot of weight due to stress, most of it coming from very stressful exams. Chances are you are eating more without even realizing it, I know that every time I'm stuck at home studying I end up nibbling at something. What I've learned from my experience is that whenever I try to focus on…
  • Okay thanks for your answers. Yeah it must be my BP, last time I got it measured during a crisis it was something like 10/05. What I don't understand is that I already drink a lot of water and add a lot of salt to almost everything I eat ( I love salty food). The only thing that seems to "boost" my energy is diet sodas and…
  • Thank you for all your helpful advices :) I think I'd be embarrassed to call the place and ask. It's a bit childish know but I already get a bit embarrassed when I weigh my food in front of my friends, and I feel that counting calories is only a concern I can share with people on MFP, other people usually tend to think I…
  • Your progress is OUTSTANDING! you look gorgeous (And I have the same white dress, so you've got really good taste as well :P Got it from H&M? )
  • I agree that all girls are beautiful, and some people are just naturally skinny. But somehow our culture has made the body type of the girl on the left to be the "standard" of beauty, which is a bit sick because it's the body type of a 9-year-old girl. I don't mean to say that some women do not naturally look good like…
  • Thanks a lot. Something I didn't understand though: what percentage of your BMR should you eat in order to lose weight as fast as possible without decreasing your metabolism? (I know this question has been asked and answered over and over again but all the answers I find vary so much). My BMR is of 1475.
  • I've been obsessed with weighing myself, doing it several times a day, and I can go up and down 4 lbs in just 2 days, so it's really upsetting. I've been relatively good all week, eating right and exercising, and when I weighted myself this morning, I was back to my SW, I got so discouraged and frustrated I actually cried.…