

  • I second that, for sure. If you're looking to lose 2 pounds a week, you need a serious commitment to a program like p90x and a willingness to drastically change your diet. Definitely possible, though! One way to ensure results is to switch up the workouts. I'll do p90x almost every day, and incorporate Brazilian Butt Lift,…
  • Is this **** for real?
  • He complained of a bruised back all week! Lol
  • I use follow the instructions. I always do mid intensity. Undercompensate the workout and overcompensate food intake to be sure. Good luck, you'll love it and will definitely see results!
    in p90x Comment by siecoleman June 2012
  • Wow, fantastic job everyone! I'm very impressed. I also started doing spin classes a couple days a week for an additional workout and it's truly amazing what doing well for your body can do for your mind and energy. Lost 4 pounds already just from busting my *kitten* and giving up foods that pollute my body. Keep it up…
    in p90x Comment by siecoleman June 2012
  • Beer gut...bubble butt...looks like we all have problem areas!! I finished my first week and while I haven't stuck to the diet to the best of my abilities it has been working great and I love the variety of exercises and the fact that I can feel every muscle being worked. Most of which, I might add, I didn't even know I…
    in p90x Comment by siecoleman June 2012
  • Thank you! :)
  • Sorry, I have horrible computer etiquette. I have a glorious thing called carb Friday where I allow myself to eat rice and pasta. (I work at a sushi bar, do you know how hard that is?!) lol
  • Yeah, horrible, I know. I'm trying to change my dieting but it's hard :ohwell:
  • I can relate! Doing the same cardio workouts daily certainly burns calories, but doesn't challenge your muscles that have become accustomed to the workout over time. P90x is perfect!! :heart:
    in p90x Comment by siecoleman June 2012
  • I'm currently doing p90x, and just ordered Brazilian Butt Lift for an additional exercise to be rotated with my spin classes. Once it arrives, I can definitely offer some support and we can compare results!! I've heard nothing but good reviews and I hope it works in time to put that dreaded bathing suit on!
  • I chose to start it, and love it so far!! Thank you all for your input!
    in p90x Comment by siecoleman June 2012
  • Great job! You look awesome!
  • Frank's Red Hot is a MUST :)