justineknight Member


  • It won't ruin all of your efforts to get a bit off track one evening, especially if you control yourself and keep everything in moderation. I would suggest that your snacks and lunch that day be very high protein and veggies since you will only have carbs for dinner. Generally, you want to eat lean protein, whole grain…
  • Curves combines cardiovascular exercise and strength training exercise into a 30 minute workout by using hydrolic equipment. Strength training is key to weight loss for many reasons: Lean muscle burns more calories at rest so the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, it also protects your bone density, improves…
  • The Curves Weight Management Plan is THE most researched diet out there and has been proven to work by women all over the country. The secret is that it is normal food and has an exit strategy so that you don't have to diet forever. Ask your Curves Coach about the new Curves Complete program coming out soon!
  • I burn 350-550 calories during my 30 minute Curves workout. If you dont push as hard as you can and give it your all, you won't see results. That applies to any workout program you follow. Curves is amazing if you have a busy schedule and you want to get your cardio and strength training done at the same time, and you want…
  • It's an amazing workout! I've been working out there for 7 years. I fall off the wagon periodically but Curves is the reason I have kept my weight stable while eating whatever I want. Im finally getting serious now and working out hard. I dont know how anyone has time for anything else!
  • Curves! I don't know what I would do without my Curves location by my house. Adding exercise into my busy schedule working 2 jobs is really hard so their 30 minute workouts are a lifesaver. They work every muscle group so you build muscle and raise your metabolism and you get your 30 minutes of cardio to burn calories at…