Can you tell me anything about the Curves Diet??

I have been using myfitnesspal for 4 weeks now, and I have lost 9 lbs so far. I was just wanting to know what (if anything) you ladies know about the Curves diet? Does it work? What did you like/dislike about this particular diet?? Thanks =)


  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    LJCannon has lost around 170 pounds and is a great CURVES could send her a message and she will be a wonderful help.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    LJCannon has lost around 170 pounds and is a great CURVES could send her a message and she will be a wonderful help.

    just read ljcannon story, truly inspiring !!!!wow<smilley>
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Hey!! I kept hearing voices in my head and it turns out you all were talkingabout me behind my back!! ;-D LOL!!
    ;-P Darn! I wish my Smileys were working, I miss them!
  • justineknight
    justineknight Posts: 6 Member
    The Curves Weight Management Plan is THE most researched diet out there and has been proven to work by women all over the country. The secret is that it is normal food and has an exit strategy so that you don't have to diet forever. Ask your Curves Coach about the new Curves Complete program coming out soon!