fanniev Member


  • Thank you! I have shared it publicly!
  • Thank you for all of this insightful information! Very helpful and I have some reading to do! I am mid 40s and entering the peri menopausal stage and also severe stress and anxiety as mentioned. (I work in health care… sigh!) Would love to share my diary but not sure how to do that. Any help? I would love feedback on my…
  • I quit smoking - within 4 months I put on 20lbs in the blink of an eye. I'd rather be over weight than be a smoker again.
  • Congratulations!!! You look amazing! Hard work REALLY DOES pay off!! Congrats!
  • Those are great suggestions! I will definitely give the Greek yogurt a try and almonds. Love the idea of hard boiled eggs to grab for a salad. Thank you so much!!!