

  • I'm surprised to see that many people still don't understand that the cholesterol in your food DOESN'T go to your arteries... healthy fats are good for your body and your heart... saturated fat is your friend! I eat at least a dozen a week. It's trans fats, processed foods, and sugar-laden junk that's bad for you. Not…
  • I think the quality of the calories you consume is most important. As others have stated, you definitely need more protein and personally I would be eating a lot more vegetables too. I'd focus on cleaning up and adding in more real foods.
  • I use blue emu. It works, and isn't menthol-y. It's about the only thing that works when my ankles and shin muscles are killing me.
  • If you want to burn more calories, work harder. Add in a weight circuit. Do burpees. I wouldn't obsess about calories you burn because unless you have a HRM you won't know. Gym machines are insanely inaccurate.
  • Try swapping your regular fruit for cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and berries. They are lower in sugar, high in fiber, and when eaten with fat (i.e. cottage cheese, egg) it will have less of an impact on your blood sugar.