beckykaz Member


  • I think if you want to.... you should give it a try for a month. It obviously isn't for everyone, but for me I've never felt better. There are lots of groups out there that can support you. I am currently not 'vegan' but I working on achieving a 100% whole-food, plant-based diet. Am putting together a blog about my…
  • There are alot of great documentaries out about GMO. Go here to sign a petition to get GMO foods labeled: .. We should at least be able to choose. They label what foods are allergens now and 0 trans fat and gluten free, etc. It should be labeled as GMO.
  • Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead is another great documentary that will inspire you. It's funny too. :)
  • They probably just think you shouldn't be at the gym- that you should be home on the couch with your feet up taking it easy. Good for you for being at the gym! I hope I'm as active as you when I am pregnant. I want to have a home birth and I want to be in the best shape I can be, which is why I'm trying to get in shape…
  • I feel so much better on a (mostly/ 95%) vegan diet. At first I felt like I had less energy as I got used to eating the right foods, but after a few days I feel like I have more energy. I think the key is being on a 'plant-based diet' - not just vegetarian or vegan, because like others have said there is still alot of…
  • Hi, I did't know this part of fitness pal existed. Pretty cool to connect with other people with the same goals. Becky
    in Hi Comment by beckykaz March 2011