hrbonner Member


  • I record my weight on here, once a week, no matter what! I record the ups and the downs... the downs obviously make me proud but seeing the ups make me more determined. It was valentines day last week and several friends birthdays.. i enjoyed myself but I had gained 5lb at my weigh in. Doesnt matter, because if i track…
  • Jamie Oliver Pizza Oliver Dough Recipe INGREDIENTS 7 cups "00" flour or strong white bread flour, plus more for work surface and bowl 1 tablespoon fine sea salt 2 1/2 cups lukewarm water 2 (1/4-ounce) packages active dry yeast 1 tablespoon raw sugar, such as turbinado or Demerara 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil DIRECTIONS…
  • Hiya I get the same- I exercise loads and dont lose weight... but when you exercise lots you are gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat. Think positive- dont just rely on weight.... measure yourself round the waist, hips etc. You will probably find that you are still shrinking! Also- water/ hydration levels are…
  • if you have just started exercising you will be gaining muscle. muscle weighs more than fat, so no surprise you are not losing! I always gain weight when I hit the gym hard- I notice a weight loss when I dont exercise as much.
  • load of rubbish. many proven studies that starvation mode does not exist. End of the day, your body processes the energy that you put into it, balanced against the energy that it uses. More energy in than you use, gain weight as the body stores it as fat. Less energy in than you use, lose weight because your body has to…
  • Ive had two kids and even before them I was never skinny. Hit 20 stone a couple of years ago- bit of a wake up call! Ive lost a bit of weight, and got 5 stone to go to hit my target. I know, sure as hell if and when I get there I am doing to have the most saggy flob of skin left. There is no way I am going to lose 8 stone…