

  • I just touched on some Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) that in studies have been tied to weight and health issues into adulthood in my last blog: I learned about these in my weight-loss program at Kaiser…
  • My hubby (who is very fit btw) does it with me and he says it is one of the best workout he ever gets. DO IT <3
  • I haven been in ketosis for almost 7 weeks as it is the core fat burning mode for my doctor supervised VLC liquid diet program (Optifast). While I started to get energy back after about 4 days, I wasn't fully Ketone adapted until about 2 weeks in. That is when you REALLY feel amazing! <3
  • I don't have too much experience with a ton of things, but 30 day shred is amazing as it is circuit training and you bust out your cardio AND weight training in 20 mins. I don't think you can top that. With warm up and cool down though (which you should do with any exercise anyway) it's a total of 27 mins. Otherwise, it's…
  • I travel alot too, but usually my hotel has a workout room, have you checked if yours does? Also, it's almost impossible to get motivated to work out when you are pulling 12 hour work days. I highly suggest you get up early and get your work out in before leaving, as that might be more productive and a better workout since…
  • how did i not know about this? thanks for the heads up Scintillate!
  • I'm sure some of you have seen it on my feed, but I am streaming some JD workouts if you want to join me on my channel some times. Past recordings can be found here if you can't make the live streams and are great quick cardio workouts that are a ton of fun (at least I think so)…
  • One of my favorite franchises, and my companies game <3 I can't WAIT for AC3 & the movie <3
  • sorry I been neglecting these forums, so nice to meet you Brit, I have a few friends at EA too <3
  • Hi, so nice to meet you, yay for more gamers! I also have your shaped fitness evolved as it is a Ubisoft game as well (I work for Ubisoft). i am focusing on JD now, because I am part of the JD sweat team and it is a ton of fun, but eventually I want to stream all kinds of games and set up a regular work out program for…
  • Hey guys, I have been live streaming my workouts on Just Dance, so if you are looking for a quick cardio fix please feel free to work out to my videos. I started to do this in hopes to get more gamers working out and also keep me motivated. Soon I will be streaming all kinds of games to work out to.I know you can't score…
  • yes most people answerd this well, but I just use it to track my steps only. I always leave it in and when I log exercise in MFP, it will over ride fit bit (just make sure you input your start time). I think it's a great motivator to keep walking and burn those extra calories you normally would never count or track.
  • way to go, you look absolutely amazing!
  • I am on the Optifast 70 diet which is a medically supervised weight loss program at Kaiser Permenete and is a liquid diet. I have done a ton of research and even though we are only on 400 cal diet (I actually get an optional mean now since I have been exercising so much that allows me to go up to 600 cals but I rarely do)…
  • wow, those are some of the best before and after shots I have seen. Thanks for the inspiration and congratulations on your dedication!
  • The saddest part of weight loss- losing your boobs! It is the first area I gain AND lose from. I have lost 25lbs so far and a couple inches everywhere, including my babies! Of course it is worth it though, think of everywhere else you are loosing from. <3
  • I can't tell you how much I love Jillian Michaels DvD's. My favorite of the three I have is the No More Trouble Zones, which is a circuit work out. You get strength AND cardio all at once in 40 mins. All you need is small hand weights and you are good to go. Commit to that every couple of days, and you are set!!! <3
  • I have been in the gaming industry over a decade now. My twin sister and I founded the largest female clan back in 2002, PMS Clan (pun intended lol). My hubby is also was a "pro racer" in CGS for Project Gotham 3, although we met before we both got into oline and competitive gaming. And keeping on the couple topic, did you…
  • Go have fun, just be PREPARED. always carry your own healthy snacks and food, and don't rely on finding anything when you need it. Then it will be that much more easier to maintain <3
  • Sweet, as great as this community is, nothing beats the gamer community at large for me. Our passion, subculture, and the instant bond we have when we meet fellow gamer can not be topped in my eyes! Glad to have met all of you and that I am able to increase my gamer friend network. Gaming is an enormous part of my life,…
  • You know, I am not so sure this fitbit thing works very well for actual calories. It's only logging steps and I feel like I need to get a HRM for exercise. Any of you use one of these and if so, what's your thoughts on which is best to use and how to use it?
  • I think this is a necessary idea. I am already imagining all the clothes shopping I will be doing muhahah!
    in Rewards Comment by ValkyrieFD July 2012
  • I don't care how fit you are, whenever you start a new tough program it is going to be hard. You haven't done it yet, your body isn't used to it, and it's almost impossible to make it through the entire session. At least this is how every workout starts with me! You have already gone so far and made such progress, you…
  • I am usually on my xbox or pc! My personal gamertag is Athena PMS and my work one is Valkyrie FD. For multiplayer games I am usually dedicated to shooters and previously MMO's! Add me if you are a shooter fan <3
  • This is the site I use as well, it provides all kinds of beneficial measurements, not just body fat <3 I also advise using a Myo Tape, as I have found it so much easier to use with the anchor tab and circular retraction. It is accurate to a T as long as you position correctly.
  • There has been a booming "pro" gaming scene since the late 90's. Very big subculture of people who dedicated their time in gaming competitions, get sponsors, and paid to play. Best example is Fatal1ty who has become a millionaire in his gaming career through tournaments, product endorsements, hosting, etc. I actually co…
  • It really depends on your body composition as some store weight heavily in different areas. Not everyone has it around the tummy, some are in the bum! <3 Anyway, I am 5'3.75, I was 185 4 weeks ago and wore around a 12. I started logging and dropped 5 lbs. Then started my Optifast liquid diet 17 days ago and have dropped…
  • Hi Quilled, thanks for your advice! <3 That being said, I do understand how easy it is to put back on the weight, but as I said in my blog, my program has a slow 6 week reintroduction to food, then weekly meetings for another 6 weeks for monitoring and support once food is fully reintroduced, THEN a full year of monthly…
  • I loved this list I found online!!! 30 healthy picks Craving salty? 5 olives (any kind) (45 calories) 1 small Martin's pretzel (50 calories) 2 oz Applegate Honey and Maple Turkey Breast wrapped around 2 bread-and-butter pickles (80 calories) 1/4 cup hummus, 3 carrot sticks (80 calories) 1 Laughing Cow Light Swiss Original…
  • So I finally got my green screen, time to blow myself up inside the games and stream them, yay!