

  • Day: 1 P90X Classic Chest and Ab Ripper X Grade: B- I love strengthening exercises so this one was great, feeling it in the back and shoulders and chest today. I need to push myself a little bit harder with the push ups...the decline push up I still cant do well. The Ab Ripper X was a killer, tough routines but i just had…
  • Thank you for all the tips...i've been eating a lot of egg and cottage cheese lately as well as my protein shake after my workouts, can't wait till phase 2 so I can eat a bit more carbs again :)
  • I know right, so many push ups, i'm still doing the pull ups with the bands but even then its still a workout. Just did Day 2 Plyometrics today and boy that was tough! the routines are easy to follow but quite challenging, you will be fighting with your inner "can't do it" self with this one...I can't wait for shoulders…
  • Hi I am Grace from New Zealand, and I'm so excited to start the P90X programme, I wanna change my lifestyle, eat healthier and to look good too...I want some abs!!! lol :) I am 116lbs and round about 23% body fat. I want this challenge and I also need the support because I tend to lose interest in things and I want to…
  • Hi I have just started today too, add me in, I would like the support and encouragement! :)
  • Hi, this is my first round of 12WBT, I'm really looking forward to it. Still need to go do my fitness test, but I'm very excited and motivated to start.:smile:
  • Hi, I'm also doing 12WBT and this is my first round, I can't wait to get started. I'm finally doing something about my health and fitness. Its good to meet people like yourself who is doing this for motivation!