Startin P90x Monday! I am starting a group!

Hi! I am excited to be starting P90x and am going to start a group for those who care to join. Whether you have completed the program, are on round1 to 3rd, or a newbie like me. :) I have completed Insanity and ready to move to the next level! Just let me know!


  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey! I am starting P90X on monday. I have tried starting a few times but have never been very successful.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Started last Monday! Very good workout so far! There is already groups out there you can look into those at this link...
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    I have done Insanity and Turbofire. :) Needing to get some weights in there now!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
  • Jbbaby111
    Jbbaby111 Posts: 55 Member
    I just finished day 20 today! Im sticking with it this go round!!
  • thorx026
    thorx026 Posts: 4
    I'm starting Monday, too. How do I join the group?
  • Hi I have just started today too, add me in, I would like the support and encouragement! :)
  • tynacast
    tynacast Posts: 1
    Hello everybody, I am sarting P90x todayyy yayy can't wait to lose all this pounds! I need some support please :)
  • tcardena
    tcardena Posts: 17
    I started today for the 4th time. I completed Insanity about 2 months ago. Here's to finishing this time around!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Add me too! After completing ChaLEAN Extreme I started P90X this morning! :)
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    If you finished Insanity, I'm sure you'll be fine with P90X. Today was the start of Week 6 (Classic version) and I could not be happier with the results so far.

    Good luck!
  • frenchie2727
    frenchie2727 Posts: 46 Member
    I started a few years ago and only completed a few attention span is too short for a 60 minute DVD workout so I've been doing 30 minute Jillian workouts. They're good but I'm just not getting the results I want. I talked to my boyfriend's brother who's a personal trainer. He suggested that I do a month of cross fit then take those moves into the gym to incorporate them in on my own. I'm a single mom and just can't spend 20 minutes in the car each way to get to the local crossfit facility right now. So since I already have the P90X program I'll try this for now. I'd love to be in the group, I'm starting tomorrow morning at 5am...uggghhh!
  • kam5507
    kam5507 Posts: 40
    Today is day 9 of the P90X Classic for me.. got Plyo tonight!
  • I've been doing P90X too!~ I love Plyo.... :love:
  • tcardena
    tcardena Posts: 17
    Just finished Plyo (Day 2)...Wow, what a workout! Thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest with 15 minutes left or so!!! Ready for Day 3, leggo!!!
  • NCsheri
    NCsheri Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am in my second week of P90X. I would like to join this group and I am happy I saw this post. I am already getting bored with the rouitne, going to force myself to finish the whole program though. I am also having issues staying on the meal program, my kids and my house mate are not making clean eating easy. So I definitely need a group of people who have the same goals to keep in contact with.
  • JaclynDawn
    JaclynDawn Posts: 84
    I'm on day 9 of the workouts (going the classic route), and I haven't been more motivated to lose weight than I am since I've started. It's definitely hard, but I'm already seeing results, and that's keeping me going. Do you think it's a waste of time if I skip out on the meal plan? I've been doing my own thing with MFP. I just really hope I reach my goals with the workouts.
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Today is day 3 for me.
  • P90xMandy
    P90xMandy Posts: 22 Member

    I am on week 3 day 6, Kenpo X left to get me to the end ....yahoooO!

    May I please join the group? I would love to have fellow participants.....:love: