Zythe Member


  • If you can't jog for long then just walk, nothing wrong with that, its still exercise. Don't push yourself too hard since you are just starting out. You're better off easing into a workout routine if you aren't used to exercising often. More importantly, make sure you have your diet in check. Its all about calories in vs.…
  • When choosing between high intensity interval training and low intensity, there isn't a right answer as to whether low intensity is better than high intensity or that high intensity is better than low intensity. Both have their advantages. The advantage of doing high intensity cardio is that you burn much more calories…
  • Make sure you are eating a good amount of protein as well, its needed to build muscle. Because you are a vegan this could be difficult. Eat eggs if you can, otherwise try and find a good protein source.
  • What laurie said. You are likely just retaining water weight. Did you eat high carb/sodium the day before you weighed yourself? Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time in the morning right when you wake up (sounds like you are doing this). Give it another few days and weigh yourself again, as long as you are…
  • As far as the weight loss plateau, either drop calories a bit or add more cardio to create a bigger calorie deficit. You said you've been eating 1200 calories a day for a while now, seems like your body has adjusted to that. You'll have to lower your calorie intake or burn more calories to continue to lose weight. You…