Can only jog 3 minutes, is that horrible?

I'm just starting, as you can see. Today, for exercise, I was only able to jog for 3 minutes before my lungs felt like they were going to burst and I was going to collapse, and later, I did 5 minutes on the stairs.

This is only 8 minutes of exercise, but I feel totally exhausted.

I am 5'1 and weigh 225 lbs. Should I be trying to ignore the feeling and push myself for more? Does anyone have any other recommendations I could try? Like other exercises I can do at home with zero equipment?

Thanks all.


  • Zythe
    Zythe Posts: 5 Member
    If you can't jog for long then just walk, nothing wrong with that, its still exercise. Don't push yourself too hard since you are just starting out. You're better off easing into a workout routine if you aren't used to exercising often.

    More importantly, make sure you have your diet in check. Its all about calories in vs. calories out when losing weight. Make sure you are consistently eating in a calorie deficit.
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Don't give up on jogging!

    The first time I tried to jog, I made it 30 seconds before I wanted to die. I stuck with it though and I can now jog comfortably for 25+ minutes before I have to take a walking break. It takes patience and dedication. Try walking next time for 5 minutes, then jog for 1 minute, walk for 3 minutes, jog for 1 minute, etc. Do that until you reach a moment where you are jogging and you don't feel like stopping! Then increase the jogging intervals from 1 minute to 2 minutes.

    Stick with it.

    As for day to day exercise, instead of doing 30 minutes straight, maybe try doing 10 minutes at a time, 3x a day :flowerforyou: Take a walk some point in the morning and in the evening and throw in 10 minutes of the jogging/walking described above and poof.

    By the way, I am currently 5'6" and weigh 233. I jogged/walked my first 5K when I was 265 lbs (finishing in 42 mins). It is doable! :flowerforyou:
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Have a look at the couch to 5k program :)
  • svalot
    svalot Posts: 1 Member
    Don't feel bad! Everyone has to start somewhere. I can only jog about that long at a time, but I do walk-jogging and am building up slowly. (If I build up faster, I end up with shin splints, so better to go slow than not at all.)

    I have actually been following this program to build endurance... It seems sensible. And you choose what's slow/fast for you.
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    everyone has to start somewhere. a couple years ago when I first started I could only walk and jog for a little bit and now I run all the time and can run for quite a while. dont give up!
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Don't give up. This used to be me. I couldn't run if my life dependent on it. I had bad knees and just plain ol' out of shape. I started C25K. This amazing program taught me how to run and I now actually enjoy running. I went from not being able to run even 3 minutes to running 35-40 minutes straight. I feel great. Give this program a try and see what it can do for you too. :)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    try other types of exercise. I've just started jogging and I'm on week 2 of c25k. I can't jog 3 mins yet without stopping. Yet I do 3 hours of cardio almost every day. Jogging is hard! Its ok to start slow.
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    That's at least 250% better than me. I'm still working on 30 seconds at a time. :flowerforyou: you're doing awesome.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    That's much longer than what I can do! Don't give up :heart:
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Don't feel bad! Everyone has to start somewhere. I can only jog about that long at a time, but I do walk-jogging and am building up slowly. (If I build up faster, I end up with shin splints, so better to go slow than not at all.)

    I have actually been following this program to build endurance... It seems sensible. And you choose what's slow/fast for you.

    I need to check into shin splints, that must be what's happening to me.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    that's how I started!! Now I'm up to amile and a half... You'll get there!! great start!!!!!
  • FishingFan123
    FishingFan123 Posts: 48 Member
    Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 42.5, thats a lot. While I applaud your motivation, but you could be doing serious damage to your joints (not just now, but future arthritis, & early joint replacements in your future). Why is the worry about a joint replacement important? Because they only may last 10 years, & revisions dont work so well. That means after the replacement is shot, you are looking at a wheelchair for the rest of your life possibly (ie: a joint replacement at 45 or 50, means at 60 you may be in a wheelchair. The average lifespan in the USA is 78 for a female. That means you are looking at 18 years of a wheelchair potentially. What that means is you are now on disability: ie you are in poverty, having to live in a cheap urine smelling nursing home [unless you or your family are independently wealthy], away from family, no friends come to see you, its pretty awful). These are generalities, but something serious to consider.

    I would say, do not jog or run. Walk. Walk or nonweight bearing exercise (bicycle, swimming, or elliptical), until your BMI is at least in the "overweight" range.

    Most important, take your motivation to your physician, & get the go-ahead for which exercise & how much, how long to do it.

    Also, get a heart rate monitor & use it to moitor your calories burned during exercise. They are cheap at walmart.

    Keep in mind too, that exercise is only 10% of weight loss,the other 90% is how many calories you are eating, so use Myfitnesspal for that. Ask your doctor, how many calories in 24 hours you should be eating.

    From a person with a hip replacement. HTH
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Your 8 minutes jogging lapped everyone sitting on their couch...I started walking before I jogged, as I became more comfortable with my walking I would jog in short bursts. If you want You Tube has exercise videos on their site, I do Zumba from there, I bought a set of bands and do stuff with them too. I do lunges and squats, push ups and walking in place. Good Luck...
  • PiggySweet
    PiggySweet Posts: 60 Member
    I can't jog at all... i ride a stationary bike because it's easy (i do it at a VERY slow pace...) i'm 5 feet 164 lbs so the added weight makes everything i do an exercise, from walking around at work, to climbing the stairs. it's like walking around with a 50 pound backpack at all times. I'm sure alot of people here know the feeling. the more weight i lose, the easier it is to move. it's a very liberating feeling. I say keep it up. if you can walk for 30 minutes a day at a slow pace, you'll be fine!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Should I be trying to ignore the feeling and push myself for more?

    Ignore pain when running? Nope. When I ignore pain I end up with bad injuries. Take it nice and slow. Over time your pace and endurance will naturally improve. It's ok to walk more than you run at first. That's how most people start - including me way back when. Slow and steady wins the race. :flowerforyou:
  • kristenstejskal
    kristenstejskal Posts: 107 Member
    Oh my goodness lady, 3 minutes isn't terrible at all for first beginning! Why are you beating yourself up when you just took the biggest step of all by getting out there. You should be so so so proud!
    Awesome job! Keep it up. It doesn't get easier necessarily, but you get better ;)
  • samigirl1975
    samigirl1975 Posts: 62 Member
    When I was on my treadmill, I would only do 10 minutes of brisk walking then I worked my way up to jogging. Start slow like everyone said and then move yourself up to jogging :) best of luck!!! I miss my treadmill as it's in storage, and my bf has a stationary bike that I now use. I'm doing 15 minutes for now, but want to work my way up to 30 minutes with a more harder level that makes you push harder.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    There's absolutely NO shame in walking. Get out there... walk for 30 minutes at a stretch consistently for exercise. Power walk. Push hard. You'll get all the burn you need. When you've taken some pounds off, do the Couch to 5k program.
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    I jogged once. For 1 minute. And then I fainted. Yep, very glamorous.

    There's LOTS of other factors - for me I have very low blood pressure which drops drastically when I exercise. I assumed I was just a fatty and that was why I couldn't jog; turns out my ultra fit little sister (professional dancer) can't jog either. Blood pressure, good times.

    But for the MOST part, I'll side with everything said above. Take babysteps. And walk, don't run for the time being.
  • magairlin
    magairlin Posts: 93 Member
    I started this plan a week ago. The first day I jogged 3 mins on treadmill and then walked for another 30 or so. The next day I did 4, the next 5 and so on. I can now do about 15 after only one week. I expected it would take me 15 days to get to that. My plan was just to add 1 minute a day until I could do about 30 and then perhaps I'd try to do more. Currently I would be very happy to be able to jog for 20 mins and I think I will be able to very soon. Keep it up- don't be disheartened. It isn't easy while you are doing the exercise but afterwards you feel great!