odm73 Member


  • Thanks everyone...I am having enough trouble just staying motivated so I didn't want to make things even harder :)
    in Toning Comment by odm73 August 2009
  • I know how you feel. I never knew how much I was eating until I started writing it all down. I have been doing this for about 6-7 weeks and I still have times when I feel like I am starving, but it's defenitely gotten easier. Make sure you give yourself a treat now and then or it will make things even worse.
    in so hungry Comment by odm73 July 2009
  • I have been getting on the elliptical machine every night that I can. I figured it should be good for the legs.
  • Bummer..more docs saying it isn't possible. Oh well, guess if I did manage to flatten it I would still have the war zone stretch marks though. ha ha
  • Bummer...another doctor saying we can't do it. Ha Ha. I also had a C-section with my twins, so I guess my abdominal muscles are pretty shot. It's kind of hard to stick to dieting and exercising when you know you won't get rid of that unsightly bulge...:cry:
  • The calories goals etc that they give you are to keep you where you are only losing 1-2 lbs per week, which is supposed to be the healthy amount to lose. I think that is why they add those calories back that you burn off with exercise; so that it keeps you in that same weight loss range.
  • I confess that I did pretty good with sticking to my Food Diary goals today, burned 894 calories at the gym...and now I am eating a plate of fried squash as I read these posts. How nuts is that?
  • http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/101985/five_quick_exercises_you_can_do_at.html Hope you can click on this link or copy and paste it in your browser :)
  • Thanks! Wow...47 lbs...thats great!