

  • Yo! Looks like an awesome start. Congrats on making the commitment. I think diet matters more than exercise, but of course both are important. If you're serious about losing a lot of weight, you need to take a hard look at what you eat and when you eat. As for your plan, I think it's a good start, depending on your current…
  • Stick with it!! I am a triathlete and ultra runner. Nutrition probably matters more than exercise so focus there first. Cardio is key, but you might want to increase the intensity. Slow walking just doesn't kickstart your metabolism like a few intense sessions. And if you hate it, don't do it!! If you normally walk at a…
  • Great question! I am a triathlete and ultra runner and I use both. I make a protein shake every morning after my workout. If my workout is less than 1.0 hours, then I usually only have a banana or something before hand. If it's longer, then I'll have a shake beforehand. I use whey protein, with hemp and chia seeds thrown…
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