Need some advise or thoughts on my exercise schedule!

CarikeS Posts: 19 Member
Hi there ANYone! ;-)

I would like to lose a looooot of weight and have been doing the thirty day Shred And walking slash jogging. Could one of you fitness fundis comment on the plan I devised for myself?

Monday - 20min walk / jog at 1min intervals, 30DS
Monday Eve - Zen Pilates
Tuesday - 20min walk / jog at 1min intervals, 30DS
Wednesday - 30min resistance bands
Thursday - 20min walk / jog at 1min intervals, 30DS
Thursday Eve - Zen Pilates
Friday - 30min resistance bands
Saturday - 90min brisk walking
Sunday - Rest

I'd appreciate ALL the help I can get!


  • allentackett

    Looks like an awesome start. Congrats on making the commitment. I think diet matters more than exercise, but of course both are important. If you're serious about losing a lot of weight, you need to take a hard look at what you eat and when you eat.

    As for your plan, I think it's a good start, depending on your current weight and fitness level. But frankly, it looks a little light for your goals. The plan you have is for someone who wants to lose 1 lbs a month...a good, safe number, but I challenge you to go for more. More distance and more intensity. You'll want to build slowly to avoid injury, but I have seen too many friends/family members fail and trying to just walk the weight off. You need to jog, and eventually run, and maybe when appropriate sprint. Get out of breath, sweat and push yourself. If the plan below is intense for you, and makes you sweat, then perfect. If not, then you need to step it up. It won't be as easy, but it will be worth it.