

  • were you wearing clothes and shoes the first time, but not the second time?
  • it absolutely does get easier! The beginning was definitely the hardest part for me. What worked for me was the following: cutting out any processed foods: they don't fill you and just make your hungrier shortly afterwards eat carrots. I munched on them all day the first couple weeks. apples are a great snack food if…
  • cjc166 said it well. eat a diet rich in vegetables and grains (don't forget about couscous, lentils, etc). If you're looking for "proteiny" foods, tempeh and seitan and great alternatives to tofu.
  • I had this same problem when starting too! Because of it, I never would go running. Things changed for me when I joined my local Y and started trying to run inside on a treadmill. Setting the speed on the treadmill to just fast enough that I couldn't walk it, I slowly learned how to jog (at like a 13.5 minute mile) for…
  • absolutely! calories in get marked down. I'm not going to lie, I like to drink, and drink on the weekdays. I'm on a 1200 cal/day plan- which I stick to quite strictly- and treat exercise as a way to earn alcohol ;)