ellnie_ Member


  • I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense to me. Everything I've read on here says if you use an external TDEE you DON"T eat back your calories. So at 1550 I wouldn't eat back anything. And my biggest concern is making sure FitBIt has my correct BMR/TDEE. And do I turn off the option of having it count my calories earned…
  • Actually, after reading a post from one of the links (re: activity level) it appears my TDEE is 2277 making my 20% defiicit 1800. At 25% it's 1707. Now- since I did these on an external site I should adjust but not eat back activity, correct? Also, I chose exercise 3-5x week so does this take into account the days I don't…
  • Thank you everyone- it was MFP that gave me the 1200 but I can see now how that would be an issue. I rarely eat back all my exercise calories so I was routinely under 1200 calories. It looks like I need to be around 1400 net. It's going to be weird adding food in- I have a pretty good routine! Thank you for the website…
  • Thank you! That is the most concise answer I have heard after reading through a TON of these posts. I appreciate it!! Now, one quick question re: the timer. Can I use it just as that- a timer? For runs and things? Or will it screw with the syncing?
  • Again, sorry to be dense, but your saying to use the FitBit to time AND log it in MFP? Wouldn't that be double dipping b/c there's also going to be a calorie adjustment for my activity?