Stuck- Not Losing at ALL

I know there was JUST a thread about this so I apolgize but I'm just confused as to if I'm sending my body into starvation mode and maybe that's why I'm not losing. I'm 5'6" and 153, currently at 1200 calories, set to lose 1.1 pounds a week. I'm not losing a THING.

II've been doing bootcamp 3x/week for 2 montths and running 3 days/week (training for a half marathon). I've never had trouble losing weight before and I'm just stuck- even gaining a pound then losing week over week.

If I change my C/F/P percentages to a lower carb (currently at 55%) would that help? It's hard for me to eat 1200 calories, much less the additional ones I am burning (300-400/day). I eat fairly healthy - always get 5 servings veggies/fruit, 3 of cheese and 8 glass of water a day.

Any help is appreciated- I'm at my wits end.I even had my thyroid tested and it apparently looks 'wonderful'.


  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Go to

    That is THE easiest way to figure out how much you should be eating. 1200 simply, is not enough.
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    You're eating 1200 calories and doing bootcamp/ frequent running? I think you need more fuel. It can be scary to add more calories but the body adapts.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Try the zig zag method. Someone gave me this website. :)

    Good Luck! & no, don't cut down your carbs. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Eat more food! You need FUEL!
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    You are WAY under eating! WAY! You are training for a half and adding in boot camp workouts and only eating 1200 calls? That's crazy, IMO. I bet if you start eating more for a few weeks, you'll see a change.
  • fit_mom_to_2girls
    fit_mom_to_2girls Posts: 1 Member
    When you get stuck it's often because of WHAT you are eating, not just how much. Take a look at the carbs you are eating, and what kind they are- are they coming from processed foods, or whole grains? Your sugar intake is key as well- when I hit my plateau and evaluated my food intake, I noticed it was eating a lot of high sugar foods (even though they were low in calorie). High sugar and high sodium foods are your enemy- sugar stores as fat, and sodium causes exess water retention.

    Take a look at this website : to help manage your sugar balance throughout the day.

    Best of luck!
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 153, currently at 1200 calories, set to lose 1.1 pounds a week. I'm not losing a THING.

    I am 5'3" and I was at 154 and 1200 cal/day and also not losing a thing. I upped the calories and I lost 10 lb in about 8 weeks.

    1200 was NOT enough at my height so it is definitely not enough at yours. Do the TDEE and BMR calculators and you will probably end up (like I did...) upping yourself to 1300 or 1400... and make sure you aim for at least 1300 *NET* (meaning after exercise / activity). if you eat 1300 and exercise 400, your net is now 900, and you have to put at least some of that back - you need the fuel to support the activity.
  • ellnie_
    ellnie_ Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone- it was MFP that gave me the 1200 but I can see now how that would be an issue. I rarely eat back all my exercise calories so I was routinely under 1200 calories. It looks like I need to be around 1400 net. It's going to be weird adding food in- I have a pretty good routine! Thank you for the website helps.

    Regarding the zig zag method- does anyone know if you can adjust your calorie intake daily on MFP or does it have to be the same across the board?
  • ellnie_
    ellnie_ Posts: 15 Member
    Actually, after reading a post from one of the links (re: activity level) it appears my TDEE is 2277 making my 20% defiicit 1800. At 25% it's 1707. Now- since I did these on an external site I should adjust but not eat back activity, correct? Also, I chose exercise 3-5x week so does this take into account the days I don't exercise or exercise less? Should I be basing my TDEE for those days on the 'lightly active' selection making my TDEE 2020? It's going to be very weird to eat this many calories...
  • cupcakes1107
    cupcakes1107 Posts: 12 Member
    how long did it take you to lose 20 pounds?
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Remember that all the numbers you are getting are averages. It is possible that none of those numbers are right for you as an individual. You are going to have to be very exact about your calorie counts. The most common cause of not losing weight is underestimating your intake of calories. So do your best to be sure.

    Another cause of not losing weight is retaining water. If you have sore muscles from exercising, you are retaining water. In that case, keep doing what you are doing. The muscles will eventually release the extra fluid.

    If your food is high in sodium, that will cause you to retain water. Cut down on sodium and drink more water to correct this.

    Consider your bathroom habits. Could you be constipated from the change in diet? Many of us have to go through that stage, and until it resolves - no weight loss.

    Last but not least, you are likely NOT in starvation mode unless you have been netting only around 500 calories per day for a prolonged period of time. The answer for you may not be "eat more". Keep good records of calories in/calories out and tweak things slowly and carefully. Allow at least two weeks per change to assess whether or not you are benefitting from it.