I've made these and they're very good. Just don't add too much water to cook the auinoa, as it will be a soggy brownie.
I can only speak for myself, but my extra-thin mother was an overindulgent parent who didn't do anything to reinforce positive eating habits. I've vowed to do things differently and stop perpetuating the problem.
I feel that all kids are picky eaters... Given the choice. I mean... who wouldn't like to eat the best tasting foods ALL of the time, if we can get away with it. I know my kids would love to eat pasta and mashed potatoes and cake, all of the time. However, I can also guarantee they won't let themselves go hungry (providing…
Get a second dog that is much larger... Problem solved.
Lol! That's what I was thinking! This person should make commercials!
Count me in! Six-pack this summer!
The easiest way to avoid my mother-in-law... is to go to the gym.
I'm not an empathetic person for people with little personality.
I sit and text, watch youtube videos, look up interesting things on the internet, send emails, etc.while sitting on a machine. Personally, if someone wants the machine and doesn't know how, or wishes, to get the same exercise in another manner, they're more then welcome to come ask me to share the machine with them. I will…
Metric or imperial?
I was sooooo expecting a different topic of conversation in here!
MMMmmm... pie... best advice yet! :)
I've been told I have a fat c0ck! He's not really fat though... Just large boned and the chickens love him! How rude can you get? Telling me I have a fat c0ck! *shakes head*
Nothing...Its a dude.
It's funny that some have a problem with others wearing a bikini on a fitness site, when any fitness competition, female sport, etc... They're wearing the same or less.
Wow! Is all I can say... We spend about $1300/month in Toronto Canada and we don't waste it on anything. No crap food, no expensive organics, not very much meat. I go shopping every week and usually spend about $300 per week plus a monthly trip to wal-mart for a couple of things.. That's for two adults and a six year old…
Hardwork and dedication to have abs like that!
The alternative I've always questioned... Sometimes I see some young kids who are serious about working out but are not lifting correctly.I want to go over and offer some advice but don't want to offend them. However, I wish they would come ask.
@jenloma Hair is always the first thing I notice on a woman and yours is fantastic! However, my eyes keep getting drawn downward... :)
Ran, Swam, Biked, Hiked, walked (took the dog for awhile) and lifted weights at the gym. Not a bad day. But certainly not as much as I prefer.
Yup. think mine is fuzed from T10-L5 II'm reading it from a list of my car accident injuries and it is quite a long list!
I'm basically at half of my highest weight! easiest and best thing I have ever done! I put my mind to it by using some of the same psychology I used for quitting smoking and don't ever see myself going back to either being fat or smoking, ever...
I find it sexy when they don't run away screaming after I say "hello".
Awesome! Simply awesome!
Stupid. What else would you call him?
Before Now
Why am I having trouble with pics today...