awesomest4 Member


  • My first thought was that maybe the cold is causing your ketones. That tends to happen to me when I get sick. However, if you've been controlling your sugars, then obviously that wouldn't be it. Have you been cutting carbs lately? When people diet, they typically cut carbs and sugars and build up ketones because their…
  • Haha wow I guess I didn't realize that I provided virtually no information! I'm 5' 4" about 150 lbs. I'm actually still pretty small though, size 2-4. I'm very muscular and have an athletic build because I did a lot of sports in high school. I start every morning with 30 minutes of cardio, do about 3 hours of whatever…
  • My doctors always say the ideal weight for 5'3" is anywhere from 110-130, but there's more to a healthy body than what appears on the scale. I'm that height and weigh 140, but I'm a size 2 so keep in mind muscle mass when you're weighing in! It can play tricks on you. Good luck getting down to your goal weight, though! I…