

  • I got married 19 years ago. And then I corrected the problem 7 years ago by filing for divorce. Whew! I'll never do that again! :)
  • I went from a full C cup to a small B/borderline A cup after loosing about 35lbs, got a trainer to loose the last few lbs, and added exercises that focused on the chest region/pectoral muscles. I saw some change in my body shape, but it did not help me regain any "size" to my breast. In the end, I opted for…
  • I have the book and have read a significant portion of it. Found it to be funny and offensive at times but educational. It promotes a strict vegan, coffee-free, and alcohol-free diet (for the most part). While I do believe a vegan diet is the most healthiest way to feed our bodies, the diet is just to restrictive for me! I…