spongekitty Member


  • I love to paint... ducks! and yeah I have a deviantart, spongekitty.deviantart.com
  • I'm not bad at math and science.
  • Wrong, a real woman is someone who honestly calls herself a real woman. Regardless of parts.
  • Differences in human anatomy and metabolism makes weight gain and loss significantly easier or more difficult on an individual basis. But saying big boned was faster. This is part of the issue, actually. The image was made so that you would think the VS girls are "unhealthy skinny" rather than the dove girls "unhealthy…
  • I'm not really sure how you have fat at that weight, you might be confusing skin for fat, but the best way to work any residual softness out is a lot less cardio type exercise and more strength training. Pilates is great for tightening your body, look up exercises that train the parts you're unsatisfied with and do like…
  • Cheating is when you do something sexual with someone outside of your relationship that your partner has not previously agreed to in some manner (ie you may not need explicit permission to blow a specific rando, if your boyfriend has previously stated that he is fine with you blowing any rando if he finds out after/if he…
  • Oh, I thought last year fell under the umbrella of Gothic Horror. Maybe we could try harder, LOL.
  • I'm not sure if you're aware, but that crease is one of the sexiest parts of a man's body... I had always thought it was a muscle there, not fat? But i'm no expert in male anatomy besides knowing which bones I would and would not jump. And you, sir have some tastylicious hips, female-approved.
  • For the love of god, wear -nothing- if you feel comfortable in it. These pictures aren't there to be titillating, and I can't remember the last time I was aroused by looking at someone standing profile to a camera with half their clothing off just because half their clothing was off. The point is to show off the shape of…
  • We're at the same place! I'm 5'3 and 200, and when I look in the mirror, I feel great about myself! Especially when I have clothing on. It's not -so- hard to find something flattering, and we've got curves! The right shirt hides the fact that my stomach sticks out and my back isn't so flat. I feel great! And I certainly…
  • I'd say just be aware that some people will think poorly of the decision to "go fake" but, some people will think poorly of you for much less expensive reasons than that. Just make sure you're gonna love'm, 'cause it's not so fun going back!
  • Can't see why not, the insatiable male appetite for sex is only a stereotype after all. A man is just as capable of turning down sex as a woman is capable of always being in the mood. It depends on the guy, and if he never seems to be in the mood, your libidos might be a bad match.
  • I didn't even start to lose weight until 5 weeks in, then it peeled right off and caught up with the plan. Give it some time! A week is way too soon to be discouraged, and everyone's body works differently.
  • Professionally? I'd absolutely keep it. Your name gives you ownership, of the things you've done and created. Similarly, I can't fathom dropping my last name-- ever, and especially not professionally. I'm torn about my preference; If I don't pass on my father's last name, that's the end of the name, but, for the sake of…
  • I'm from CT. All anyone knows we have are expensive houses, and lyme disease. Both are true. We're prime real estate for commuting to a bigger, better city.
  • Materials and ingenuity really define the price. Fabric there isn't much to do about the cost, but after that, all that metal banding and golden trinkets can be well replicated in paper, cardboard, and paint. I had a friend who boasted the most amazing pair of cardstock wings doing someone from Fairy Tail, and they only…
  • I think a lot of people just say it because it's polite. If you're agreeing with someone that says they need to lose weight/are going to, that means you think that they are in fact in need of weight loss. Also I know from experience that having a smaller friend tell you that they need to lose weight/feel fat, feels awful.…
  • If you're anything like me, these tricks might help: You said the 8 oz goes down fine when you're thirsty, so, keep a water bottle close by all day long. You get thirsty more often than you think, and if you don't have the steric hinderance of getting up to get a drink to sate the thirst, you'll be able to take in a few…
  • Especially considering that varying your diet can help your body keep from stagnating, sure! Just don't save them for too long.
  • I have very, very fair skin (My mother's a redhead) and I also never go outside (I'm studying engineering...) so my doctors have told me to go outside more, no doubt, but i've never been tested for a serious deficiency. And, well, they can recommend it as much as they like, but everything I have to do in life takes place…
  • Really? I hadn't heard that bit about Vitamin D deficiencies. I have a dermatologist appointment coming up, I'll ask her! Coincidentally, this is the third dermatologist I've seen. I've been diagnosed for 4, going on 5 years now, and no one's thought it was related to anything else. But I didn't know about that, so, it's…
  • Almond Breeze regular flavor tastes fantastic in muffins.