

  • Thanks for the invite. I would be in the 5K walking group too. Sounds like fun
  • My advise is to read everything you can. I've learned so much from everyone here!!! Knowledge is power!!
  • WooHoo!!!! I had a similar NSV not too long ago!!! These are the little things that make it all worth while!!
  • If it is not a regular chore for you then add it. You know how much effort you put into it. Did you break a sweat? Where you breathing harder than normal? I personally log it when I do because it is not a regular activity. We dont have stall mates yet so we have to scrub down the limestone daily. I use shoveling snow but I…
  • Wow!!!! Good for you! Congrats
  • I did WW for 3 months and it worked well. Then I found MFP and fell in love. There are many more options and I love reading the message boards everyday. The only thing I liked better at WW is the weight lose graphs. I know they have them on here but i like the layout better on WW. Trivial, I know but its the only thing I…
  • I'm 44 and have been on here since January. My wakeup call happened after my dad died at the age of 68. He was very over weight and his body just gave out. Ever since I have been trying to learn everything I can about healthy eating and I just started running last week. I love this site .. I feel like it has saved my life…
  • I haven't got up the nerve to run outside yet. But I'm working on it. Iv'e had a little taste of what it feels like to lose track of time and just run and I really enjoyed it so that's my ultimate goal. Right now I'm getting over the fear and just learning how to relax. Thanks everyone for your wisdom!!
  • Thanks for the advice!!. I can go much farther if I go around 4-4.5 mph. I feel a lot better and more accomplished as well.
  • I agree. I have read that it can tale up to 2 years for your skin to shrink back depending on your age and genetics. I'm going to wait and hopefully avoid surgery.
  • I used to get excited every time I had an errand to run because it gave me an excuse to eat fast food. I would avoid any place that didn't have burgers and fries. Now I just automatically eat before I go or avoid anyplace that has burgers and fries. Our family would eat out at least one meal almost daily. Now the thought…
  • Fantastic!!! We have all been there I'm sure. Myself, quite a few times. If you don't mind I would love to print this and hang it up for motivation.