Thank you for taking the time to reply and make sense of it
Excellent thank you I think you are correct in my misunderstanding and I could not find the Greek symbol on my phone. Okay so I am taking enough that’s great thanks for taking the time to reply
I never thought about cycling actually as I find that no problem, I think to be present and concentrate is the key but I’m easily distracted as well which does not help. Thank you for your reply I will check out the zooming technique 😄
Fantastic thank you very much for the information 😃
Thank you for your reply, I was running at 7’27 km which I though was quite slow, I will try a bit slower tomorrow and see if that works. Thanks again 😁
Thank you I may have to look at this but cost wise I’m trying not to pay out anymore.
Thank you slade51 I did not realise that there were no instructions before we built the gym, I’ve looked on you tube etc and there is a very short tutorial so will go with that until I find something f else
Thank you for your reply I will look into this
I have recently set mine up now need to learn how to use
Hi. Thank you yes toning is what I am aiming for as have excess weight to shift. Thank you for your reply 😀👍
Hi thanks is for your reply 😀. Not quiet sure what I plan to do with the barbell, I’ve been following a YouTube vid that does squats, rows etc but thought about bench presses, this is what I have so far, a complete novice
Thanks for your replies. I genuinely thought that for a calorie deficit I should stick to my TDEE and any excercise was a bonus. I shall have a read of the links. I will unlink my watch. Thank you 👍😄
Brilliant advice thanks for your reply as I said earlier I really need to re-educate myself
Hi thanks for your reply I will have a look at calipers
Hi thanks for your reply. The initial weight loss was in approx 2-3 went from 10.6 to 10. Last week saw a 1/2lb reduction so has reduced to a slow loss
Hi. Thank you for your reply. My calorie intake is 500 1-2 days a week then 1508 the others although I tend to go over slightly at the weekend. The grams work out to be 113g carbs, 132 protein and 59g fat. I did think the same about FB advice. The weight is coming off slowly about 1/2 of a week which I’m happy with and I’m…
Hi thanks for your reply. I don’t do any strength training as such I’ve started running and usenhand weights doing my dvd