

  • I say dont eat if you are not hungry unless you are trying to gain weight. Take it as a bonus that you burned those extra cals as it will only help you to get to your goal. also I am a bit untrusting on the exercise energy estimates they seem to over estimate cals needed I think because 2500 is alot thats more than…
  • you just have to remember that it is a lifestyle change and not a diet otherwise the weight will just pile back on when you reach your goal weight and stop "dieting" what i do is when i loose weight or reach a target i reward myself with a non food related treat eg. go see a show with friends and let loose made have a…
  • I get this all the time especially from my not so fit friends, not to sound up myself or anything but I really do think they are just a wee bit jealous and want everyone else to look like them so they feel better about themselves. I just tell them I eat healthy and exercise because it makes me feel good and keeps me sane…
  • I have the same thing with my dad one moment im too fat the next im too thin. On my wedding day all my day said to me while I was putting on my wedding dress was "your looking abit chubby" I was speechless... thats exactly what you want to hear on one of the biggest days of your life
  • I used to drink coke all day everyday but stopped like two years ago and swapped it with diet cranberry drink its soooo good and if i feel like something fizzy I add sparkling water to it. in terms of sugar content in drinks just check the label on the bottle and you will soon realise how much your drinking
  • Im totally the opposite my trouble is not exercising so dont have the toning id like. My eating tips are to make fresh fruit smoothes and freeze and freeze them to make healthy ice-block treats (they last longer than the drink form and you dont have so much in a serving) also if I have a super craving that I just cant curb…
  • Im new and am looking for the same thing. Add me :)