

  • Congratulations you are getting it...I do sometimes but sometimes I just want what I want then I hate myself....
  • They say to exercise you should do something that you love...well for me Zumba was it..some instructors were better than the others at our gym but overall you can burn 800-1000 calories per hour and have fun doing it...Give it a try...
  • My problem was portion size..you can actually eat what you want on this as long as you don't go over the calories..to me some is better than none...spring mix salad is a great filler and good for you too. Good luck I know it is a constant struggle Ive been doing it for more years than I care to remember
  • Do't get discouraged...you just have to play with what u r eating...if I eat all my calories in carbs...breads and pasta's while I may be at the correct point number I never loose weight either..you have to experiment with your choices and see what works best for you
  • Hi welcome....Ive fought the battle for at least 50 years and this is the best way to go because as long as you log it you can eat it....Good Luckto you Jaybelle
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