I'm HUNGRY! What do I eat??

I started counting calories about 2 weeks ago thanks to the help of MFP. I started working out (strength/conditioning) in late January, then started power-walking in February. I switched the power-walking for the Couch 25K 6 weeks ago. I started watching what I eat much more carefully around late March. I gave up Diet Cokes about 5 weeks ago and for the past 2 weeks have been on what I feel is a Smoothie Diet (yes, I have had SOME solid food). However, my calorie limit is 1200 calories a day and I am now starting to feel really hungry. Nothing I eat is satisfying me and I know if I eat junk/comfort food just once it will create a downhill spiral of uncontrollable eating. Does anyone have any suggestions on WHAT I can eat that will FILL me up and stop the hunger and cravings?

And BTW, since starting all of this in late January, I have lost NO WEIGHT, not one single pound. Which is adding to my frustration.:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member

  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Kidding. I recommend eating more. Your body needs food to increase it's metabolism. Not eating enough/starvation makes your body gain more weight as the metabolism slows down. Eat a little more and eat more whole foods, dairy, vegetables, and beans/lean meats. Also, eat more carbs.

    Btw, when you start to starve you NEED to eat something or your metabolism will slow down.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I agree with the above post. It sounds like you are not eating enough.
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member


    food...like most people
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    Ya'll are suppose to be offering advice, not sarcasm. :tongue: WHAT food? That won't throw me over my calorie limit? I will be more than happy to eat, but I don't want to eat any of my trigger foods that will cause me to start to binge or that will throw me over my calorie limit and make me feel guilty (or bloated).
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Ya'll are suppose to be offering advice, not sarcasm. :tongue: WHAT food? That won't throw me over my calorie limit? I will be more than happy to eat, but I don't want to eat any of my trigger foods that will cause me to start to binge or that will throw me over my calorie limit and make me feel guilty (or bloated).

    Don't know if you read this or not:
    I recommend eating more. Your body needs food to increase it's metabolism. Not eating enough/starvation makes your body gain more weight as the metabolism slows down. Eat a little more and eat more whole foods, dairy, vegetables, and beans/lean meats. Also, eat more carbs.

    Btw, when you start to starve you NEED to eat something or your metabolism will slow down.
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    Ya'll are suppose to be offering advice, not sarcasm. :tongue: WHAT food? That won't throw me over my calorie limit? I will be more than happy to eat, but I don't want to eat any of my trigger foods that will cause me to start to binge or that will throw me over my calorie limit and make me feel guilty (or bloated).

    Don't know if you read this or not:
    I recommend eating more. Your body needs food to increase it's metabolism. Not eating enough/starvation makes your body gain more weight as the metabolism slows down. Eat a little more and eat more whole foods, dairy, vegetables, and beans/lean meats. Also, eat more carbs.

    Btw, when you start to starve you NEED to eat something or your metabolism will slow down.

    Thanks. I guess meat is probably what I need to focus on right now. I'm about FRUITED out - that's for sure.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Ya'll are suppose to be offering advice, not sarcasm. :tongue: WHAT food? That won't throw me over my calorie limit? I will be more than happy to eat, but I don't want to eat any of my trigger foods that will cause me to start to binge or that will throw me over my calorie limit and make me feel guilty (or bloated).

    Don't know if you read this or not:
    I recommend eating more. Your body needs food to increase it's metabolism. Not eating enough/starvation makes your body gain more weight as the metabolism slows down. Eat a little more and eat more whole foods, dairy, vegetables, and beans/lean meats. Also, eat more carbs.

    Btw, when you start to starve you NEED to eat something or your metabolism will slow down.

    Thanks. I guess meat is probably what I need to focus on right now. I'm about FRUITED out - that's for sure.

    Yeah, focus on chicken (I love Tyson Grilled and Ready Breast Chunks). Only 120 calories per 3oz serving. :)
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    I eat 5 times a day, small snacks and one small meal plus a slimfast shake after working out. That doesn't count as eating cause technically its drinking :p do what I did today: white toast (1slice) or brown, teaspoon of nutella and a whole sliced banana. Filling and satisfied my sweet tooth :)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    You need more than fruit and smoothies. I eat turkey (I get in the Deli at Walmart) when I feel like I "need" something. The protein seems to be what my body craves. A boiled egg is filling, too. I didn't know that till I had a salad at a restaurant last week and it had an egg in it, which I had not been eating with my salads, and I wasn't hungry for the rest of the day. Wow!!!

    I eat turkey on a whole wheat or flax and oat pita pocket with maybe a dash of ranch dressing. That is really filling for me and not high in cals. I eat lots of vegetables and salads. I have tried the fat free Ranch dressing but can't "go" it so I eat lots of vegetables which have so little calories and use regular Ranch. The only real calories are coming from the Ranch dressing and it won't be 1200 unless you eat a whole bottle, so don't do that!!! Lettuce is not favorite thing so my salads consist mostly of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and peppers. I have switched to brown rice which I find filling and satisfying, too. Sometimes I eat the brown rich with some blackeyed peas with my salad. I like the way the ranch dressing kind of mixes in with the rice. Cottage cheese helps with the cravings, too--I eat cottage cheese and canned peaches a lot. There are a lot of things you can eat and not go over your calories......you have to start looking for those things you can eat and plan your day so that you don't go over. I usually eat a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter mixed with a bit of jelly and a cup of oats at night. It's filling and the sweet is pleasing and I sleep better......

    If you starve yourself all the time or eat too little all the time your body won't know what to do and that is probably why you are not losing. I'm not an expert at all. Actually, I'm extremely obese at this point in time, but I started trying to eat healthy in June and I've lost at least 11 pounds and I don't go hungry but I haven't gone over my calories (which for me is 1800) since the first few days I started. I fill in the food tracker every day and am aware of what has the higher calories and how much I can eat of it. I used to eat a lot of pasta till I filled it in and saw that ALL my calories for the day went to pasta and I narrowed that down real fast. I'm just trying to tell you what I eat in hopes that you can see that there are things you can eat and not have too many calories.

    Lots of veggies, lean meats, brown rice, pita pockets.....I even eat out almost every week but eat salads, cut down the dressings, make sure I save some calories for that meal so I don't go over.

    Good luck...let us know if you found something that is filling for you!!!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    I broil chicken breast/tenders and keep them in the frig. It's lean and satisfying.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Light tuna is a good option, too. GL!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Make sure you eat all your exercise calories back
  • Jaybelle
    My problem was portion size..you can actually eat what you want on this as long as you don't go over the calories..to me some is better than none...spring mix salad is a great filler and good for you too. Good luck I know it is a constant struggle Ive been doing it for more years than I care to remember
  • mommymeyersto2
    mommymeyersto2 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm no expert but I was not working out anywhere as much as you and eating 1200 cals for 2 weeks with no results. I added more healthy calories (1500 a day) and the weight and inches are coming off. If I exercise, I eat back about half of what I used up so my body does not feel deprived. Calculate your bmr and determine what a healthy, realistic goal is for yourself. Best of luck!!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I think when the person responded "food" they meant that your calorie limit might be too low.
    Unless you are super tiny, you probably need more than that.

    Are you eating your exercise calories back too and getting at least 1200 net?

    PS Protein is what fills you up! Lean meats, good greek yogurt, protein shakes, fruits/veggies etc...

    Starving yourself often has the reverse effect that you want.. as weird as that sounds.
    Opening your diary so people can view it would probably be helpful.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Going to chime in that you are probably not eating enough food...that your calorie limit of 1200 is too low.

    How much weight do you have to lose and what is your weekly loss goal set at? Basically, how did you get to only 1200 calories? It sounds like that is not enough food for you.

    There are some sticky's in the General section that talk about this...lots of exercise, but no weight loss. It usually means you're starving your body and your metabolism has slowed down drastically.
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks to all. I am eating the calories that I am burning with exercise. My husband thinks it may be partly hormonal. I'm sure the women in their 40s will understand. I don't feel like I'm starving myself but do feel like nothing fills me up. Thanks for all of the suggestions.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I try to plan my meals ahead of time,if possible. I eat 5-6 small meals a day and lots of water. I also try and eat every 3 hours or so,to keep my metabolism going.

    Try and include some sort of protein with each meal...

    My favourite is plain greek yogurt,a bit of agave and a scoop of protein powder.

    Try not to get discouraged,it may take you a bit to see what works for you.:flowerforyou:
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    slightly up your calories or eat your exercise calories.
    eat slower.