

  • Yeah -- I do think it's a huge help in that respect -- you get nervous about eating anything too heavy before classes because you know it'll come back to bite you in the torture chamber! And it IS a huge commitment, I had to wait a while until I had a month clear of travel etc. but it's worth it if it's possible! Take…
  • Just came across this thread and thought I'd just add that while I was doing my 30 day challenge my hair was FREAKING OUT because obviously all that heat, plus having to wash my hair absolutely every day was just drying it to a crisp. I went crying to my hairdresser and she advised me to put some leave-in conditioner or…
  • Thank you! Great to "meet" you! :)
  • I finished my Bikram 30 day challenge last month (I did it from the 1st - 30th May) and it was a fantastic experience! It was hard scheduling time every. single. day. to get to the studio, and I was EXHAUSTED about halfway through, but then I got a second wind and the rest was smoother going. DEFINITELY no alcohol, for me…