30, 45 or 60 day Bikram Challenge

So the Bikram studio where I live is pretty far for me to get to, but my local CorePower offers Bikram style yoga every day, twice a day. Most Bikram studios offer a 30 or 60 day yoga challenge, so I'm meeting them in the middle and doing a 45 day challenge. Here's the rub- I'm doing it on my own! Hopefully I'll be able to keep myself motivated to complete this.

I'm not a newbie to Bikram, I've been practicing 3-5 times a week for the past 6 months, but the commitment of going every single day is really kicking this up a notch.

Has anyone completed a challenge? What were your experiences? Do you have any tips, tricks, stories of complete transcendental Nirvana-esqu yogi bliss once you were completed?

Also, of you're a fan of the hot yoga or Bikram yoga, friend me! I'm always looking to expand my hot yogi circle of influence.



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    So the Bikram studio where I live is pretty far for me to get to, but my local CorePower offers Bikram style yoga every day, twice a day. Most Bikram studios offer a 30 or 60 day yoga challenge, so I'm meeting them in the middle and doing a 45 day challenge. Here's the rub- I'm doing it on my own! Hopefully I'll be able to keep myself motivated to complete this.

    I'm not a newbie to Bikram, I've been practicing 3-5 times a week for the past 6 months, but the commitment of going every single day is really kicking this up a notch.

    Has anyone completed a challenge? What were your experiences? Do you have any tips, tricks, stories of complete transcendental Nirvana-esqu yogi bliss once you were completed?

    Also, of you're a fan of the hot yoga or Bikram yoga, friend me! I'm always looking to expand my hot yogi circle of influence.

    Question: if training the same muscles for strength training (which yoga does through static strength) every day doesn't allow for recovery time, then why would it be different for yoga?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    no idea!
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    I am currently doing the 30-Day Challenge, and I'm loving it! I am on Day 10 right now (1/3 of the challenge completed!), and my body feels amazing and strong after each class. It's definitely tough going each day, but after Day 5 I got addicted! I look forward to it every day. Combined with cardio each day, I am hoping to see some toning and weight loss. It's peaceful for the mind and my skin has never looked better. The best effect I think though is that it forces you to eat well. You really don't want to be sweating out fried foods, so you stay away from them more easily than if you didn't have yoga every day. I feel so at peace, and I still have 2/3 to go!

    Find a friend to take with you. It is so much easier when someone is encouraging you. The thing that really sucks is the amount of laundry.

    Good luck!!! I'm going to add you so we can be challenge buddies! :happy:
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    yes, and alcohol too- gotta stay away from the booze! If I have a drink the night before, yikes, do I feel it in class the next day.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Oh man, I tried Bikram yoga in LA when I was there (I'm an Australian) and I couldn't do it.

    I nearly vomited - it's so intense!

    Congrats for being able to do it - you're amazing!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    no idea!
    Muscles, regardless of exercise being performed, need rest especially if strength training is involved or they can't rebuild or "condition".
    I understand why you want to continue 30 days of consistency, but non stop training doing strength for the same muscles everyday is detrimental to it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dmolnaraz
    dmolnaraz Posts: 127 Member
    I did a 30 day challenge in February/March this year. It wasn't Bikram but another hot yoga. It has about half the same poses as Bikram and adds Vinyasa flows. Like you I was going 3-4 times a week before I did the challenge. What I found was going every day made it easier to listen to my body when it needed lighter/easier days. Since I knew I was going to be back in that room tomorrow it was not a problem to sit out part of the class and rest. When I'm only going 3 days a week I tend to feel guilty if I don't push myself as hard as I can. Just make sure that you are drinking a ton of water every day. It is really easier to get dehydrated when you practice everyday.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Do you typically have to start on the first day of the month when you pay the fees?
  • CaraColleen
    CaraColleen Posts: 110 Member
    Nope, my yoga studio just had me pay for the 30 days on the day I signed up (I signed up on the 14th and will end on the 15th of next month).
  • FatSyrup
    FatSyrup Posts: 10 Member
    I am currently doing the 30-Day Challenge, and I'm loving it! I am on Day 10 right now (1/3 of the challenge completed!), and my body feels amazing and strong after each class. It's definitely tough going each day, but after Day 5 I got addicted! I look forward to it every day. Combined with cardio each day, I am hoping to see some toning and weight loss. It's peaceful for the mind and my skin has never looked better. The best effect I think though is that it forces you to eat well. You really don't want to be sweating out fried foods, so you stay away from them more easily than if you didn't have yoga every day. I feel so at peace, and I still have 2/3 to go!

    Find a friend to take with you. It is so much easier when someone is encouraging you. The thing that really sucks is the amount of laundry.

    Good luck!!! I'm going to add you so we can be challenge buddies! :happy:

    Can I add you as my challenge buddy , too? I wanna start the 30 days tomorrow!
  • georgina131
    I finished my Bikram 30 day challenge last month (I did it from the 1st - 30th May) and it was a fantastic experience! It was hard scheduling time every. single. day. to get to the studio, and I was EXHAUSTED about halfway through, but then I got a second wind and the rest was smoother going.

    DEFINITELY no alcohol, for me at least -- I have some friends at the studio who say they can drink a glass of wine or whatever and still go to class the next day, but for me it's an absolute killer. I actually found it really hard after I'd finished, I took a few days off and going back was a real shock to the system! I miss the structure of going every day, though; we're moving slightly further away from my studio otherwise I'd probably consider signing up to another challenge, maybe a 40 or 60 day one, but as things stand I'll probably only be able to get there maybe three times per week. Am considering joining a regular yoga studio nearer my house, though, and mixing up a few classes of Bikram with a couple of standard hatha yoga. We'll see.

    Good luck on your challenges, everyone who's doing them, and feel free to add me, I'd love to have some Bikram buddies on here! :)