cardenalera Member


  • This is so awesome! Totally true, we may never know we are an inspiration to others. I think it's so sweet that he let you know you inspired him! I hear my mom telling other people about me, how I've committed to this new lifestyle and have a lot of willpower, etc.. She exaggerates a little :happy: but it feels good to…
  • I don't have any of those but my mom does. She swears by them, has bought at least 4 pairs. They're super comfortable and cute too. She usually wears them all day and has zero complains. Now I regret not buying them..
  • Hi there! I would be glad to help you achieve your goals, I'll send you a friend request!
  • If you're used to have your coffee/tea with that much sugar, I'm afraid nothing will help you cut it down except cutting it down. I was used to have all my drinks with granulated sugar and decided one day that it was enough, you know, cause it wasn't helping me get any lighter nor cheering for my health. What I did was cut…
  • Awesome thread! Very interesting ideas.. This was lunch recently. Piquillo peppers stuffed with brown rice, ground beef, mushrooms and carrots, with mozzarella on top.
  • I think this is probably the worst time of the year regarding binging and the feeling bad for it by then you do it again the next day. It's just inevitable with the amount of food around us these days. I am trying really hard yet I did it yesterday again. The good thing is I felt awful right after so I KNOW I'm aware of…
  • Excellent! You will feel even better once you've managed to control the sugar cravings once and for all!
  • I think this is a valid concern. Not everybody knows at once what to do and certainly not everything works the same for everybody. I have a little bit more than a year that I started to cut down my refined sugar intake. I say started because I didn't do it all at once cause I don't think is the most reasonable path to…
  • I'm with you on this, since I own a really small cooking business and do basically all the cooking myself (that's the "small" part of it). Usually is just about 20 or 30 minutes on slow days but sometimes can go up to 3 or 4 hours, and since I run from here to there the whole time I count it as an exercise. I don't deny…
  • Oh Stuart! I find it hard to believe your drifting away yet so easy! I've been there so many times I've lost count! I've found that for myself routine is a deal breaker, I get bored and although I still do stuff I do it without motivation and after a while I just give up. And then beat myself up for doing just that. But no…
  • Well, one more to the pile, I can't do a single one of those.. I am doing at least 3 reps of a 15 secod plank on a daily basis, and I can hold it now, so soon I'll be trying the push-up. My bf is following the one hundred push ups plan with the Drop and Give Me Twenty! app for android and it's really good, he could do a…
  • Iron Maiden's "Dream of Mirrors"
  • O_o That is freaking unbelievable! So awesome!!!!! If you remember all the effort you put losing it, I bet you won't have trouble to stay where you are now. High five to you!
  • You look great! I noticed you got great definition in your arms, how did you do it? I mean, how many times per week did you work them out? I have one arm a little bit more chubby than the other one, and I so want to make them even and defined, just like yours!
  • Oh my, I love ice cream! And just right now, as a treat, I decided to get a little bit. I have NEVER cared for the nutritional info, but was shocked to find out there's 150 cal in just half a cup. Half a cup! And I used to eat like one and a half each time.. :noway: I'll definitely think twice before eating it again. Or…
  • Mmm.. Seems like I found the right people to hang around.. This emotional eating thing is a pain in the butt, as all of us know. I think that the weight loss journey is not just to count calories and exercise (this last one a major obstacle for myself) but also to understand why you gain that weight in the first place, so…
  • Wow.. I cried over this, both of happiness for you guys and the sadness that I feel right now.. Why on earth I can't do this too? I peaked on 94 or 95 kg (about 207 lb) in 2007, as a good-bye gift from college. Here is how I looked back then: Very little by little, and I mean VERY, this is how I looked about a year ago…