

  • What ever you invest in for fitness will only work if you use it consistantly. The best way to begin is cheaply. If you have an area that is close and easily accessible where you can walk at your own pace safely is a good place to start. Once it becomes a routine then you may want to expand you routine to include other…
  • follow the MFP. :smile: when you get where you want to be find out what your maintenance intake is on a daily basis with the your regular exercise routine.
  • it is simple: to lose weight you eat right and less and exercise more. Behavior modification is the name of the game. You learn to live healthy and be healthy by watching how much you eat, what you eat, when you eat, plus getting a routine of regular exercise. It is behavior all the way.:smile: Brosteve55
  • I have started to fast after the evening meal on Thursday evening. I pick something that concerns me or my community (which is the world by the way) and I pray about that as fast. At lunch time on Friday I break the fast and get ready for the week end. It is good to meditate on something other than what next to eat.…
  • well, I am in TN but I know where you are, at least with weight issues. be determined, keep the faith, and stop drinking the sodas.