

  • I agree with the others - you need to add more protein. You should try to eat within one hour of waking and then eat every three to four hours throughout the day. You should eat some source of protein at every meal - a piece of low fat cheese, yogurt, nuts, eggs, meat, protein shake, protein bar, etc. Good luck!:wink:
  • Well, I'm a "big" girl and need more than the minimum 1200 calories per day - so I don't anticipate going below that number any time soon.:sad: I do agree with you that it will take some experimenting for me to find the optimum "#" to use up each day. So I will start doing that over the next weeks. Thanks for the great…
  • Thank you Lucky - your comments are very helpful.
  • Thanks for the info - not sure what the exact formula is for me but will do some experimenting as to how much and what type of calories are needed.
  • Just started today. Looking forward to getting nutrition part of the struggle under control. Stats below: Starting weight: 250 Goal weight: 175 Wish me luck!:smile: Sina1215