

  • WHAM! and George Michael!!!! Janet Jackson Depeche Mode Madonna Erasure Nothing better than the 80's!!
  • Looks great!! Thanks!! Bump!
  • I hope this information helps. I just bought this one yesterday: http://www.weslo.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_-1_13001_14852_23011_193771 I wanted a less expensive one and it seems to be worth the money so far, only used it once for an online spin class. I found this website…
  • Thanks for the recipe! Bump.
  • I agree with once a week and log either loss or gain!
  • Whomever recommended Bolthouse Farms Salad Dressings in a different thread, THANK-YOU!! I bought the honey mustard and raspberry merlot tonight. Delicious!! I highly recommend this brand if you are looking for something different with very low calories. http://bolthouse.com/
  • We rented this place (Syb's Place), however, I am not sure if they sold their properties. We loved Maine. A lot to do and if you are a nature enthusiast, all the better, because there is so much to do outdoors. Good luck with your search! Here is the link: http://fhcrentals.concierge-worldwide.com/sybs.html
  • Looks delicious!! I love tofu, so I am always looking for great tasting, low calorie recipes, that include tofu.
    in Tofu Comment by Yogeros June 2012
  • www.vegweb.com
    in Tofu Comment by Yogeros June 2012
  • My 3 must haves at the end of my workout: Cup of Life: Ricky Martin Bring Me to Life: Evanescence Dive in the Pool: Barry Harris
  • Hi there! Yes, I am from the QC. You should sign up. I signed up yesterday on a whim and still can't believe I did it. LOL! I have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of training to do before the race. I can't wait, I am excited! You should seriously think about it. Good luck!!
  • Fantastic! I just started with Week 1 Day 1 yesterday and realized how out of shape I am in. WE CAN do this!! Good luck on your training!!
  • I was reading up on this program as well and found it to be quite motivational. I have never ran any races in my life. After reading what the program entails, I figured I am making it one of my goals to run a 5K. Well, I just signed up for my first 5K run that will be held Sept. 23, 2012! The website is…
  • I am not a vegan or vegetarian, however, I enjoy a lot of dishes that are plant based. I know of a great website for vegans/vegetarians. It is at www.vegancoach.com Very informative information on veganism/vegetarian lifestyle and many recipes she sends you through her newsletters. Also, I just posted a wonderful vegan…
  • I have been using this one I found on the web: Outside Magazine, June 2012 Tuesday, May 15, 2012 THE ULTIMATE VEGAN BURGER A full-flavored plant-only feast for ultra-distance athletes By: Ryan Krogh Vegan can be mighty tasty Photographer: David Prince; food styling by Megan Schlow Ultramarathoner Scott Jurek says he grew…
  • Fantastic! Keep up the hard work!
    in Ph.D.'s Comment by Yogeros June 2012
  • LOL! Thanks! I have been looking at various colleges. So, we shall see!
    in Ph.D.'s Comment by Yogeros June 2012
  • Congratulations to everyone pursing their PhD's. I just finished my MSN in Nursing education and really want to pursue my PhD in Nursing. I am a 42 year old male, so I am not sure if I am too old to begin the journey or not. Any suggestions?
    in Ph.D.'s Comment by Yogeros June 2012