


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Congratulations to everyone pursing their PhD's. I just finished my MSN in Nursing education and really want to pursue my PhD in Nursing. I am a 42 year old male, so I am not sure if I am too old to begin the journey or not. Any suggestions?

    No such thing as too old. If you want to do it, find a way. Look for grant or scholarship money and get to it!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    You are all such inspirations!!

    I started college after high school but decided it wasnt for me.

    After I had my son I started back up again! I just now started working on my bachelors in Sociology with a major in Psychology. I wont receive my degree until january of 2016!! I will be 30 years old! I also plan on stayin in school and pursuing my Masters. I toy with the idea of getting my PH.D but only time will tell. :o)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Congratulations to everyone pursing their PhD's. I just finished my MSN in Nursing education and really want to pursue my PhD in Nursing. I am a 42 year old male, so I am not sure if I am too old to begin the journey or not. Any suggestions?

    No such thing as too old. If you want to do it, find a way. Look for grant or scholarship money and get to it!

    You're definitely not too old. Most of my phd students are around your age. My youngest is 24. My oldest, just starting this year, is 79...
  • Yogeros
    Yogeros Posts: 19
    LOL! Thanks! I have been looking at various colleges. So, we shall see!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I am starting my doctorate in nursing on my 25th birthday! Woo hooo ~ NOT~lol
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You are all such inspirations!!

    I started college after high school but decided it wasnt for me.

    After I had my son I started back up again! I just now started working on my bachelors in Sociology with a major in Psychology. I wont receive my degree until january of 2016!! I will be 30 years old! I also plan on stayin in school and pursuing my Masters. I toy with the idea of getting my PH.D but only time will tell. :o)

    I can tell you from a teacher's perspective that returning students are great. It takes a lot of guts to go back to college when you've got a family or are over 25 when you start. Good for you! Stick with it!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I am starting my doctorate in nursing on my 25th birthday! Woo hooo ~ NOT~lol

    25 is a good age for grad school. I was 23 when I started, and I wasn't as mature as I thought I was. It was not good my first year either.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Hmmm..I started my Master degree when I was I guess it depends on the person. No disrespect to you though!
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    Starting my first year for J.D. in two months!!
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    <----Master of B.S. & M.B.(monkey business)

    This thread makes my head hurt......damn smart people. :-)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    <----Master of B.S. & M.B.(monkey business)

    This thread makes my head hurt......damn smart people. :-)

    ^ You have your DPA. = Doctor of Pure Awesomeness.
  • I am finishing up my first year of coursework in a Social Work Ph.D. Program - Loving it!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Starting my first year for J.D. in two months!!

    Good luck to you! Remember, first year is the worst, so just buckle down and get through it with your classmates, then it'll be smoother sailing later on. :smile:
  • mab0615
    mab0615 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations to everyone pursing their PhD's. I just finished my MSN in Nursing education and really want to pursue my PhD in Nursing. I am a 42 year old male, so I am not sure if I am too old to begin the journey or not. Any suggestions?

    Good for you AND you're not too old. I started going back to school 8 yrs ago (35 y/o). I went for surgical tech then my RN. Aftter 4 yrs I have a BSN and am now thinking of getting my MBA/Healthcare Administration. I could go to school for ever....too bad I have to work FT.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'll get there eventually. Just finished my bachelor of science in exercise physiology with a minor in nutritional science. Starting my master of science in exercise science in August. Then I'm not sure if I want to do the doctorate in physical therapy (DPT) or a PhD in Public Health. Currently leaning toward the PhD and working with a college teaching and doing research.

    And for those who think they are too old, I went back to school 15 years after I graduated high school. Including a year and a half off because of state residency issues, it took me 6 years to get my bachelors. I graduated 2 days after my 40th birthday. What a birthday present! LOL And I'm looking at 4-5 more years to finish with a doctoral. It does seem harder now then when I was in high school to remember everything, but I honestly believe the studying keeps the mind young, so I'm going to keep it up!
  • Yogeros
    Yogeros Posts: 19
    Fantastic! Keep up the hard work!
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    I have a long way to go! I am currently a "senior" undergrad student. I say "senior," because I won't graduate for another 2 years, as I am double-majoring (Psychology: Christian Counseling, and Criminal Justice: Forensics). I plan on pursuing a Ph.D. in Forensic Psychology.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I get told quite often (by my brother) that I'll be receiving my Ph.D. any day now... 2 years university uncompleted, 4 years college completed. These past 2 years I've been upgrading science so that I can spend another 5 years getting a degree in dietetics.

    Do I count in this group of "a ton of education"? No official title for me, but surely I should get something. lol

    p.s. good for all of you for your incredible brains!!! so smart!
  • 3rd year science PhD student here!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Starting my first year for J.D. in two months!!

    It's true what they say about law school:

    The first year, they scare you death.
    The second year, they work you to death.
    The third year, they bore you to death.

    Enjoy the ride! Year 2 was my favorite! All nighters ending in the ER is what law school is all about!!!