My husband and I cook together or go out to eat. I find out the calories beforehand and then log them. All restaurant s are now supposed to let you know the calories for each food so plan for it. Look at their website. I've know women who have lost weight eating fast food. My husband is a picky eater so I've learned to…
Thanks for replying. I appreciate your encourgement! Di
Look for some make ahead freezer meals. There are tons on Penterest. They are a lifesaver! If you can spare 1 hour or so in the kitchen putting them together one day, you'll have a week's worth of meals.
ScubaSteve1. I appreciate that website. I got some good info.
Hey EvgeniZyntx, I looked at that website you suggested. That is a really informative guy on there. Thanks for sending that. I think I have an idea of what I want now.
DavPul, you crack me up! I got a good laugh at how you said that. Thank you all for posting. I got some good ideas and am going to put them to use.
Thanks folks. Good ideas.
Hey thanks gandysweet. I've heard people say they like the elliptical without the arms but never knew why.