

  • Crikey an Essex boi! :noway: I went to Romford one but I don't think that counts. I'm from London though. :smile:
  • What's really mortifying in my hospital is they don't put XL scrubs in the ladies changing rooms... just assume all girls are petite. So you have to send someone into the mens for some! else put in a special order!
  • Yep, I've had that too, not 'the girl with the green top' not 'the girl with the really long hair' not 'the girl without glasses' but the big girl. I also work in a hospital, maybe people are more crass there!:laugh:
  • This has really struck a chord with me, my big problem with exercise is after a long day at work I CBA, so thanks!
  • Indeed, Frankly I hate the terms 'easy' and 'hard' as it all depends how your brain is wired, where your interests lay and what support you're getting. I don't know about other countries, but in the UK comprehensive schools 'stream' you at about age 12, this affects what tier of GCSE's you do. Some papers you can get 100%…
  • Someone always worth a read is Dr Ben Goldacre, very interesting mid-point between Doctor and Journalist. He had a lot of views on certain things but he does show his workings at least. I think (as someone who comes from a science background and does get involved in publishing papers), part of the problem is a attitudes…
  • Two words: Marks and Spencer They have several at less than £20 and regularly have sales. They will measure and fit it for you will order something into your local store for no cost too. The other (non-glam) thing to do is get some properly snug strap tops with elastane (from Tesco or something) that will at least keep…
  • Dried fruit doesn't do a massive amount for me, I do have a few things that are genuinely sweet, some squares of chocolate, some biscuits a couple of fun-size chocolates. I just know that a few squares of chocolate is needed sometimes. With portioning I know I can have that much, and will hold me off having a slab of cake.…
  • I have this problem too, it's right by the kettle so have to look at it when I'm boiling water to make my cup of Tea. What I'm doing is filling my desk drawer with things that will satisfy my sweet tooth in packages of less than 100-150kcal. Then, when I have a craving, is wait 30 minutes, have a glass of water/herbal tea.…
  • Ditto really, I have 95lb to get me to 'normal' BMI although I think I will need 100+ in the long run
  • Dang, my childhood just must have been my imagination then! Glad that was all cleared up!
  • Indeed, part of the reason I'm in this mess is I inherited some rather toxic food relationships from my Mother. it's taken until my mid-20's to even figure out what some of them are. e.g. clean plate = good happiness = food Also all fried goods were banned from the house, so when I did get a bit of control over my own diet…
  • Not an answer to your question but I think this adds something..... http://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2013/may/13/bikini-body-advice-dont-bother it is my legal and God-given duty to instruct you how to get a bikini body. So here goes: 1. Take one body, probably yours. 2. Take one bikini, probably yours. 3. Put bikini on…
  • Brilliant! :laugh:
  • Hi, my name is EasilyLed and I have a compulsion to buy Computer games *hangs head in shame* Currently playing: Skyrim Oblivion Fable II & III Ratchet & Clank (ToD, QfB, ACiT, A41 - gotta love the Lombax) Dishonored Sims 3 Tried Dark Souls, gave up, so as well as owning hundreds of games I am a quitter!
  • I love all those too! I find Pratchett novels to be such a release from the real world I re-read them obsessively. As I get older and read more classic literature I realist more jokes and puns TP has referenced. It never gets old. In other news has anyone heard of Robert Asprin? I found a handful of his books by accident…
  • Looking through this thread all I'm doing is creating a mental shopping list (have to try/watch/buy that!). My tastes are all a bit eclectic, I loved SG-1 (should have done more studying) and Star Trek too (new and old). Me and my sister had a bit of a geek off so I would avoid what she was into (Manga, anime & Dr Who)…
  • Hey, I can't help much about the flex thing but I do have a fitbit and wear it daily. I do love the dashboard to log in (racking up rewards for floors and miles) I track all my food on MFP which shoves the calories into the FitBit dashboard. I chose Fitbit as I don't want something on my wrist, so can clip it to my…
  • I am lucky/unlucky (depending on your view) in the case that I can't have a sweetener without a terrific headache. So diet drinks have never been much of an issue....... However after reading all this I am craving a full sugared cola!
  • It's nice you immediately start slamming my education and intelligence. Assuming you read my post I mentioned nothing about you, in fact was totally agreeing with reading up about something before you jump in feet first. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear and offended you, but personally attacking the literacy of ‘Rookies’ hardly…
  • ^^^ Totally agree. So while trying to stay neutral...... Wow having read all the angst above I think some people have totally misunderstood why intermittent fasting reached headlines and became popular. Losing weight is a happy side-effect. Studies so far show that it's has a whole range of postitives on the body from…
  • Sounds like a fab idea CW 240lb GW 150lb (ish bringing me into a normal BMI) Height 5'5" Age 26 :smile:
  • Wow everyone looks amazing! I think no-one was a 'Not' before but the grins are bigger after!