

  • turkey and cheese sandwiches with a fruit salad
    in HELP!! Comment by PrezBigGirl July 2012
  • I know how you feel, especially because I miss my child all day and resent being away from him so I just want to spend time with him when I get home and relax (I don't have anyone to watch my child while I work out) so I have been taking him swimming and playing kick ball with him and walking to taco bell for dinner and…
  • I would guess that you are holding onto water. Additionally, if you have had a lot of yo-yo dieting then your body may be in starvation mode and slowing your metabolism. I would suggest working out harder and upping your calorie intake
    in HELP ME Comment by PrezBigGirl July 2012
  • I am also looking for friends. Please add me. I am trying to lose 90lbs and have lost 10 so far. i have a 2yr old son and am a single mom that spends lots of time alone and working a high stress job. I need encouragement and offer encourgement. I have an open food and excercise diary and find it helpful to read others.
  • I love food and am trying to lose the biggest amount that I have ever had to lose. I am about three weeks in and have only lost 10lbs so far but this site it awesome for keeping me honest. for instance, I thought I did great yesterday as I didn't eat too much (i thought) and I swam for almost two hours. When I logged in…
  • Had a c-section 29 months ago and gained so much weight being pregnant and then nursing that I feel like my innertube/shelf belly drags the ground when I walk. When I got pregnant, the only part of my body that was chubby was my belly and as I gained weight all of it went to my belly and the baby pushed the fat under him…
  • Yoga and pilates and swimming create long lean muscle instead of bulky ones. Therefore, you shoud try to incorporate these excercises into your routine. They are also good to purge toxins from your body.
  • I am going to get a babysitter for the first time ever and go out on the town
  • they can make some changes to what you order so that it is less fattening. Try getting the friend rice (not fried though so really just rice) with firm tofu. Then you get veggies and rice and tofu. The tofu is really good. Don't get a dessert. Found out the banana one I loved is around 2500 calories so don't let the fruit…
  • I never liked eating veggies and fruit. When I got pregant I started buying frozen bags (birdsye) of veggies to steam and forced myself to eat one cup a day to start. Now I eat those veggies with no problem. You can add veggies to most recipes to hide the taste, soupds cassoroles, cheese. You can also use chocolate pudding…
  • Wow, that is exactly what I needed to see. I have a ton of baby weight to lose and am so upset that I weight 5lbs less than I did when I gave birth over 2 yrs ago. I can't wait until I lose enough weight that the loose skin becomes my problem. You look great!
  • bad romance-Lady Gaga
  • you are at a healthy weight so only you can answer that question.
  • I used to use the eliptical for 1 hour every day 6 days per week with the pins and needle problem for 1 yr and nothing was wrong and nothing happened outsite of the eliptical. Keep up the good work
  • that used to happen to me a lot. I changed my shoes and it stopped happening often