

  • Welcome to the wonderful world of ellipticals. Seriously, those things work wonders. Yes, you're probably gaining strength. In about a month you'll feel like you can kick through brick walls. DON'T CHANGE A THING.
  • Hi, I was medicated for six years of my life and can attest to the frequent claim that antidepressants encourage weight gain. I say encourage because I certainly believe that it is possible to avoid wait gain - I'm not sure how possible because I kind of lost sight on my weight after a while. By "lost sight" I mean I…
  • I'm not even sure where to begin the explanation, I'll try to simplify this into some bullet points. *When the first photo was taken, I had been making some pretty bad life choices. (38 waist, XL shirts at best). *When the second photo was take, I had begun my journey to restructure my form. Pants and shirts were smaller…
  • The skin heals over time, a long time. The right man will value health over temporary appearance. I kinda know what you're talking about and my girlfriend still likes me.
  • Simian, Justice, Uffie...
  • Man Pills sure are neat Yet another thing to toss down In the hopes of chemical salvation They are very expensive lies And the FDA doesn't have oversight on the majority of weight-loss supplements That's why they're never approved They just aren't on the FDA radar As for the fine folks at GNC A startlingly large number of…
  • The thing I find to be most helpful is sitting down and measuring the nutrients in a meal prior to plating/consuming. Planning everything a day in advance seems to form too rigid of a schedule. This leads to a mean case of the "blahs"...No cheat days here...If you're really looking to keep weight off, it's a lifestyle…
  • Best of luck on the marathon! Truly a worthwhile effort for a lifelong experience. It's amazing how quickly life can seem to get in the way of maintaining a good "fighting weight". Definitely here to cheer you on in the challenge to get everything up to snuff!