jjrjmedeiros Member


  • I am currently doing a hybrid of the two. I completed ChaLEAN Extreme at the beginning of the year, but I just can't do a full cardio program anymore... I just don't like it. So I follow the CLX schedule, but do HIIT workouts from TurboFire on cardio days. I'm seeing really great results from this. If you can't afford…
  • I loathe cardio. I seriously think that treadmills and elliptical machines are like medieval torture devices... (but that's just my opinion). I lift heavy at LEAST 3 times a week (I love love love lifting) and to squeeze in a little bit of cardio, I will do a HIIT workout since they are very short. I don't mind going…
  • I'm not doing it right now, but I have done it before... what's up?