crashri Member


  • Rainbos - Thanks for the suggestion. I frequently do wall-squats as part of my warm-ups so I am moving up and down in the plane correctly. The problem is definitely in my shoulders as I can front and back squat much greater weight. Just having the bar overhead, my shoulders cannot hold the bar steady for the whole movement…
  • I just had to do 5 sets of 20 of these plus 20 KB swings and I realized that I do them ALL wrong. The key is to NOT do a pushup at all. The down should be a fall, as described above with a minor catch in your arms so you don't slam into the floor and the up should be more like a snake push-up (the Cobra was a very good…
  • I have definitely found that on nights when I eat poorly, I definitely feel worse at the box the next day, so I would definitely look at that. I know that I have been cutting a lot of carbs out of my diet and that has helped with weight loss, and body shape without reducing my protein intake to help me feel full and…
  • thanks for all the helpful posts. I actually pulled it off for the first time last week and have been practicing whenever I can. My hands are ripped raw, but at least I can string 6-10 together pretty well. I looked at a couple of videos on the crossfit community page that helped. The best advice I have is the following…
  • All I can do is the dead hang pull-ups, but it takes lot of recovery time and breaking the total count into much smaller sets. Thanks for the videos and the tips, I will take a look at them and try them out.
  • I use an HRM and I create a cross-fit WOD exercise. Once I started using that it matched my HRM and my times pretty much everytime, so if the WOD is long the calculated cals are close to my HRM. After a month of xfit, I have noticed that my calorie burn is coming down, as I am getting into better shape. The problem with…
  • So, I came up with this one after two days last week. The pictures are the real workouts and I didn't take the time to pretty it all up with the quote. (Note: the warm up is on board 1 and WOD is on the other). Quote: CrossFit. What you call a workout we call a warm up! Well it turns out I can't reorientate the picture to…
  • I run on my non Xfit days (between 3 and 5 miles). I've never tried running on the same day as an Xfit workout, but now that I am in better shape with Xfit (after only three weeks after on-boarding) I am definitely not as sore as I was and think my body could handle it. I would say that if you body feels good enough to…
  • Try stretching and strengthening your calves, and that should relieve the pain and strengthen your leg so they don't come back. Also check your sneakers. When I used to play frisbee (yes I played it competitively), I knew it was time for new cleats when I would start to get shin splints.. Strengthening: Stand on the edge…
  • Yesterday's WOD 20 Minutes AMRAP 10 DL 7 T2B 5 HSPU Talk about ripped hands, I'm only 1 week in, and can't wait to go again tomorrow.
  • Add me too. I just started CF, but I love it and can't wait to go back again.
  • Clearly I am much more out of shape than my 25 lbs overweight made me believe. By contrast, I ran 5 miles this morning in 38 minutes and burned 706.
  • I just started cross-fit, but have been using HR monitors for a long time (former runner and swimmer). Typically around 700 Calories, but I know I am not representing the strength portion accurately. Today we did a Helen and it was 706.